FAA6 Case Maintenance and Administrative Lists
Title changed from NA 12-month or 24-month Approval Period MAC Requirement. Reference changed from FAA6.A02A.01. Added policy for the 36-month Approval Period MAC Requirement to the policy for the 12-month and 24-month Approval Period MAC. (Effective: 02/05/2024) Added clarification that the ABAWD reporting requirements question only appears on the automatically generated MAC form when WERE includes an employed ABAWD exemption. (Clarified as of 05/06/2024) Added how to work a MAC case when the MAC is provided after closure. (Effective 09/16/2024)
FAA6.A02A.02 – NA 36-Month Approval Period MAC Requirement
Removed entire reference. Added policy for the 36-month Approval Period MAC Requirement to the policy for the 12-month and 24-month Approval Period MAC Requirement. (Effective: 02/05/2024)
Added that FAA receives two different crossmatch reports for deceased participants. Updated procedures for the deceased participant crossmatch report. Added the Verification of Death Match Information (C026) notice to the notice listing. (Effective: The CNAP Manual is updated as of 02/20/2024)
Revised FAA6.A03A policy to clarify when a participant's statement can be used as valid verification after all attempts to gather necessary information have failed. Specify whether the case must be pended and a hard copy requested when there is a reported change. (Updated as of 12/09/2024).
Added information regarding verification of NA changes that result in a closure due to excessive income (EI). (Effective: 08/26/2024)
Added verbiage to the AZTECS Keying Procedures for open cases to include when an authorized member of the budgetary unit reports an address change. (The CNAP Manual has been updated as of 02/05/2024.) Updated verbiage regarding how many characters are allowed in the CITY Field on ADDR and removed the city names that no longer need to be keyed specifically. (Effective for all addresses keyed on or after 03/04/2024)
Clarified that when FAA receives a report of death from a third-party source, it is considered unclear information. Added that the crossmatch report from the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) Office of Vital Records is considered verified upon receipt, no additional verification is needed. (Effective: The CNAP Manual is updated as of 02/20/2024). Added information regarding actions to take when there is unclear information and the participant does not return the requested verification. (Updated as of 12/16/2024).
Updated living arrangements to specify a landlord can be used as a primary source of verification for HHC only when they are a nonrelative. (Effective: 07/15/2024)
FAA6.A04B.10 - ABAWD Eligibility Change ACTS Alert
New Policy 07/16/2024
Added a new system-initiated ACTS Alert for ABAWD participants subject to the time limit. (Effective for all ABAWD Eligibility Change ACTS Alerts initiated on or after 07/16/2024)
FAA6.B01 – NA Work Requirements
Added policy and procedures for the Cuban and Haitian (HC) NA Work Requirement good cause exemption code. Added clarification for the Unfit for Work (UF) and Refugee (RF) NA work requirement exemption codes. (Effective for all determinations completed on or after 03/19/2024) Added information that when a participant is an NA work registrant the participant is a SNAP CAN referral. Added that when a participant is a work registrant 18 through 54 years of age, they may also be subject to ABAWD time limits. (Effective for all eligibility determinations completed on or after 12/09/2024)
Added that when a participant requests a SNAP CAN referral after the interview and during the approval period, staff complete the referral, and no further information is needed. (Effective 07/01/2024) Revised the SNAP CAN screening and referral process with a new criterion for making an appropriate referral to SNAP CAN. (Effective for all eligibility determinations completed on or after 12/09/2024) Revised Provider Determination to define required roles and actions in addressing a provider determination with a participant. Updated the Employee Benefits Unit (EBU) receives the Provider Determination (FAA-1828A) form and the steps that are taken. (Effective with all eligibility determinations completed on or after 12/23/2024)
For clarification, added that a disqualified month is a calendar month. (Effective 08/12/2024)
Added clarification in the Work Requirement Good Cause Reason section for staff to discuss the reason with the participant to ensure it meets the requirement for the reason. Removed the “supervisor approval” verbiage from example #3. (The CNAP Manual is updated as of 01/08/2024) Added an additional example for good cause. (Updated as of 04/29/2024) Added clarification of when FAA stops or reduces benefits for a disqualification without a good cause reason. (Updated as of 06/10/2024) For clarification, added that a disqualified month is a calendar month. Added that it must be requested that the non-lead participant be added back into the benefits. Updated pregnancy is a reason to be considered employer discrimination. (Effective 08/12/2024)
Added information on when not to send a referral to OPU. (Clarified as of 11/12/2024)
Added information that AZTECS does not allow a determination when the $$ Alert Code is on PRAP. (The CNAP Manual is updated as of 09/30/2024) Added link to NA Expedite Applications with Postponed Verification. (Clarified as of 11/12/2024). Adding a note to give directions on what to do when the C030 notice is more than 36 months. (Updated as of 12/16/2024).
Changes in some of the OP NOPED Codes were completed. BC -FBCP DOES NOT APPLY -NA, NOP NA/CAHH, RP have been deactivated. BC—FBCP DOES NOT APPLY – CA reactivated and HH and PO NOPE Codes updated in AZTECS. (Effective for all NOPED overpayments completed on or after 07/22/2024)
Updated the policy regarding OP Compromise Household Groups to remove Social Security Benefits from group one and add SSI Recipients. (Updated as of 04/08/2024)
Added two new methods of overpayment collection. (The CNAP Manual is updated as of 01/02/2024)
Added two new methods of overpayment collection. (The CNAP Manual is updated as of 01/02/2024)
FAA6.F04 – Quality Control (QC)
Removed the entire section because the information was reformatted and moved to the participant’s responsibility to cooperate with the Quality Control process. (The CNAP Manual is updated as of 04/22/2024)
Added instructions to key the Under Investigation (UI) Alert Code on PRAP. (Updated as of 04/22/2024)
Added instructions to key the Office of Special Investigations (OS) Alert Code on PRAP. (Updated as of 04/22/2024)
Added new AZ State Minimum Wage posters. (Effective 01/02/2024) Removed entire reference because the information was reformatted and moved to Communicate with the Public under Agency Responsibilities. (Updated as of 04/01/2024)
Included instructions on the keying requirements for Hopi Tribal TANF cases so they are approved for the correct certification period of six months. (Effective for determinations completed on or after 01/02/2024)
Removed entire chapter because it was reformatted and moved to Notifying Participants of Actions Regarding Their Benefits under Agency Responsibilities. (Updated as of 04/01/2024)
Added clarification of when the timely denial date is applied for months where the last day of the month is on a weekend. (Clarified as of 04/08/2024) Updated the information regarding the date for Timely Recert Denials. (Updated as of 11/12/2024)