NA Work Requirements
The NA Work Requirements, the exemptions from the work requirements, and how NA work registration is completed are included in this section.
All NA participants aged 16 through 59 who do not meet a work requirement exemption are
Work Registrants(g). As a condition of eligibility for NA, work registrants are required to comply with
all of the following work requirements:
●Register for work with FAA for new and renewal applications once every 12 months.
●Continue employment without voluntarily quitting or reducing work hours below 30 hours per week.
●Accept a job offer paying average weekly earnings equal to or exceeding the
federal minimum wage(g) times 30 hours.
●Not to be disqualified from receiving Unemployment Insurance.
●Provide information about employment status and availability to work.
During the interview, FAA registers the participants for work unless exempt from the NA work requirements. See
NA Work Registration for more information about participants who are registered for work.
When a participant is a work registrant and 18 through 52 years of age, the participant may also be subject to the Able Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) time limits. See
ABAWD Time Limits and Work Requirements for more information about ABAWD time limits and work requirements.
NA disqualifications are imposed when a work registrant fails to complete the NA work requirements. FAA reviews good cause with the participant before imposing an NA disqualification to determine whether a disqualification is needed. See
Good Cause Reasons for examples of good cause reasons to quit a job, reduce work hours, or refuse a job.
FAA explains the NA work requirements and the exemptions when any of the following occurs:
●When conducting an NA interview, and at least one budgetary unit participant is a work registrant.
●When a change is reported that causes a participant to no longer be eligible for an NA work requirement exemption.
●When adding an NA participant aged 16 through 59 to the budgetary unit.
When screening NA participants for work registration, FAA screens each participant to determine whether a referral to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Career Advancement Network (SNAP CAN) is appropriate. See
SNAP CAN Screening and Referral for detailed information.
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NA Work Requirement Exemptions
During the interview, FAA reviews the NA work requirement exemptions for NA participants aged 16 through 59 to determine whether the participant is exempt. When a participant does not meet a work requirement exemption, the participant is a
Work Registrant(g). For work registrant requirements, see
NA Work Requirements.
A participant may qualify for more than one work requirement exemption. When this occurs, FAA applies the work requirement exemption reason that allows the participant the longest exemption period.
All participants screened for work requirement exemptions are also screened to determine whether a referral is appropriate for SNAP CAN.
When an NA participant is exempt or nonexempt, FAA determines whether a referral to SNAP CAN is appropriate for the participant. (See
SNAP CAN Screening and Referral for more information.)
Exemptions from the NA work requirements include all of the following:
Age Exemption
A participant who meets one of the following is exempt from the NA work requirements:
●Under age 16
NOTE A participant aged 16 or 17 is exempt only when the participant is any of the following:
●Not the Primary Informant, head of household in the CA case.
●Attending school at least half-time, as designated by the school.
●Enrolled in an employment training program on at least a half-time basis.
●Age 60 or older
Alcohol or Drug Treatment Program Exemption
A participant who is either an inpatient or outpatient and participates in an alcohol or drug or treatment or rehabilitation program is exempt from NA work requirements and the Able Bodied Adult without Dependents (ABAWD) work requirement.
CA Jobs Program Participation Exemption
CA participants who are required to participate in the CA Jobs Program are exempt from the NA work requirements.
Care of a Child Under Age Six Exemption
A participant responsible for caring for a dependent child under the age of six is exempt from the NA work requirements.
Only one parent or budgetary unit participant can be exempt for this reason.
Caretaker for an Incapacitated Person Exemption
A participant responsible for the care of an incapacitated person is exempt from the NA work requirements and the ABAWD work requirements.
The incapacitated person is not required to reside in the budgetary unit or the same living quarters.
Cuban and Haitian Entrant Good Cause
Participants who meet the definition of a Cuban and Haitian Entrant may be temporarily exempt from the NA Work Requirement when FAA verifies one of the following:
●FAA verifies the participant is not employment-authorized through one of the following:
The Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)/Verify Legal Presence (VLP) interface in HEAplus
An external SAVE from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Verification Information System (VIS) website
●FAA verifies the participant is temporarily employment-authorized for only three
calendar months(g) through
one of the following:
The SAVE/VLP interface in HEAplus
An external SAVE from the VIS website
Hard copy verification of the participant’s USCIS Form I-766 Employment Authorization Document
Eligibility for the temporary good cause Cuban and Haitian Entrant exemption must be reviewed when any of the following occur:
●During the Renewal process
●Re-application after benefits have been stopped or denied
●The budgetary unit reports a change, using any of the following methods:
Change Report (FAA-0412A) form received in person, by mail, or by fax
Mid-Approval Contact (MAC) form
MAC Unity form
NOTE Completion of a Unity form is done with the assistance of FAA staff. To complete and sign a Unity form, contact FAA by one of the following ways:
Employed Exemption
A participant who meets any of the following employment criteria is exempt from the NA work requirements:
●Employed with averaged weekly earnings that equal or exceed an amount that is 30 hours multiplied by the
federal minimum wage(g).
●Self-employed for a minimum average of 30 hours weekly. For self-employed participants to be exempt, when the participant works fewer than 30 hours weekly, the net self-employed weekly income needs to equal the federal minimum wage multiplied by 30 hours.
NOTE Self-employment net income is the gross income minus the allowable costs of producing the income.
●Employed as a migrant or seasonal farm worker, all of the following apply:
Is following the job stream
Is not living in the participant's home project area
Meets one of the following:
●Is working a minimum of 30 hours weekly
●Is under contract or agreement to begin employment within 30 calendar days
●Receiving in-kind income when work is done for 30 hours per week.
NOTE Do not include hours employed in voluntary work in which no wages, in-kind income, or
in-kind benefits(g) are paid when determining the 30 hours per week.
FAA uses the employed NA work requirement exemption only when the participant does not qualify for any other exemption.
NOTE Participants meeting the employment exemption are subject to disqualification due to voluntarily quitting a job or reducing work hours without a good cause reason.
(For more information on meeting the required hours or income per week, see
Example 1 and
Example 2)
Refugee Exemption
A participant is exempt from ABAWD and NA work requirements when participating at least half time in an Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) program.
ORR programs are considered recognized training programs.
Student Exemption
A participant who meets all of the following criteria is exempt from NA work requirements and the ABAWD work requirement:
●Attending at least half-time, as defined by the institution. See
Adult Student Eligibility for NA to determine whether an NA participant who is a student is eligible.
Consider the participant exempt during normal periods of class attendance, vacation, and recess, until the participant meets one of the following:
●Is suspended
●Is expelled
●Drops out
●Expresses an intention not to register for the next normal school term (excluding summer sessions)
A participant mandatory to participate in a CA Tribal Native Employment Works (NEW) Program or a Tribal TANF Employment Program is exempt from NA work requirements. FAA completes referrals as appropriate to the Tribal New and Tribal TANF Employment Program.
Tribal TANF Assistance Programs for more information about the Tribal NEW Program and the Tribal TANF Employment Program.
Unemployment Insurance
A participant who meets one of the following criteria is exempt from NA work requirements and the ABAWD work requirement:
●Receiving Unemployment insurance (UI).
●Applied and is not yet receiving UI, when the participant is required to register for work with the Job Service office as part of the UI application process.
●Appealing a UI decision. Continued UI eligibility during the UI appeals process requires ongoing participation with the Job Service office.
Unfit for Work
A Participant who is medically certified as mentally or physically unfit for work is exempt from the NA work requirements. Unfit for work can include anything that affects the ability to work, maintain employment, or restricts the range of employment opportunities including, and not limited to, any of the following:
●Mental conditions
Learning disability
Emotional challenge
Difficulty handling stressful situations, or being around people
Victim of domestic violence, sexual harassment, sexual assault, or stalking
●Physical condition
Recovering from surgery
Physical limitations due to disability
Receipt of temporary or permanent disability benefits from a governmental or private source
A participant does not need to have a disability to be unfit for work. Unfitness for work may not always be visible. Unfitness for work may be temporary or permanent.
When the participant claims they are unfit for work, additional verification is not required when the unfitness can be verified through one or more of the following:
●AZTECS interface
●HEAplus hubs
●Worker observation when the unfitness for work is obvious
When the participant claims they are unfit for work, and the unfitness is not obvious, the participant is required to provide verification of unfitness from a medically qualified source(g).
Participants considered temporarily unfit for work are exempt until renewal unless verification is received that specifies an expected end date for the exemption reason.
Participants with a long-term or permanent disability are exempt from the NA work requirements.
NA Work Registration
FAA explains the NA work registration process and the NA requirement work exemptions when at least one member of the budgetary unit is a
Work Registrant(g). FAA registers participants for work when
any of the following occurs:
●During the interview, a participant is determined to be a work registrant.
●When a reported change causes an NA participant to no longer be eligible for a work requirement exemption.
●When adding a work registrant to an existing NA case.
FAA sends an NA work requirements notice at benefit approval for new or renewal applications and reported changes in all of the following circumstances:
●When at least one budgetary unit participant is a work registrant.
●When a work registrant is added to the budgetary unit.
●When an exempt participant becomes a work registrant.
The NA work requirements notice provides the NA work requirement information to the budgetary unit, which includes all of the following:
●Who in the budgetary unit is subject to the NA work requirements.
●The exemptions from the NA work requirements.
●How a participant can contact FAA to report a change in their circumstances.
●Periods of disqualification for failing to comply with the NA work requirements.
●When the participant is referred to Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Career Advancement Network (SNAP CAN), the notice also includes the contact information for SNAP CAN.
●How to request an appeal.
NA Work Requirements Appeals Process
Each budgetary unit has a right to an appeal when benefits are denied, reduced, or stopped due to failure or refusal to comply with the NA work requirements.
The budgetary unit can appeal FAA actions and has the right to examine their case file before the appeal date. When an appeal is scheduled, the Appellate Services Administration (ASA) provides sufficient advance notice.
Right to an Appeal Hearing for all participants' rights to ask for a legal review of their NA or CA case when they disagree with a decision or action taken by FAA.
When age is questionable, see
Date of Birth Verification for a list of documents FAA accepts as proof of age.
Rehabilitation officials can provide a written statement verifying treatment program participation. FAA can complete a collateral contact to the rehabilitation program to verify participation.
Verification for a caretaker of an incapacitated person includes a
statement from a treatment provider(g) indicating the adult participant is needed as a full-time caretaker. Employment is verified when the participant verifies earned income for employment and self-employment. (See the verification section of
Wages and Salaries for examples of what can be used for verification.)
School attendance can be verified with any of the following sources when requested by FAA:
●Correspondence from the school
●Registration form
●School records or school official’s statement
●Scholarship awards
For information about adult students and eligibility requirements, see
Adult Student Eligibility for NA.
Verification of unfit for work and the extent of limitations and anticipated length of the condition or circumstances includes, and is not limited to, all of the following:
●Receipt of temporary or permanent disability benefits.
●VA disability benefits are required to be rated or paid as a total disability by the Veterans Administration (VA) to qualify.
●Observation by FAA. Thoroughly document the
case file(g) when using this option.
●A written statement that supports the extent and anticipated length of the disability from a
medical provider(g).
●A completed Verification of Disability (FAA-1249A) form.
●Participation in a sheltered workshop.
●Participation in Vocational Rehabilitation.
●Participation with Rehabilitation Service Administration (RSA).
Verification of a Cuban and Haitian Entrant without employment authorization includes, and is not limited to, any of the following:
●Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements (SAVE)/Verify Legal Presence (VLP) interface in HEAplus
●External SAVE from the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Verification Information System (VIS) website
●United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Form I-766 Employment Authorization Document
1) The working hours of a participant may fluctuate weekly or be paid other than weekly. The weekly average hours needs to equal or exceed 30 hours.
●Fluctuating Weekly Hours
Week 1 20 hours
Week 2 31 hours
Week 3 40 hours
Week 4 29 hours
Total Hours 120
Average Hours÷4 (weeks) = 30
●Fluctuating Bi-weekly or Semi-monthly Hours
Pay Period 1 50 hours
Pay Period 2 70 hours
Total Hours 120÷2 (pay periods) = 60
Average Hours÷2 (weeks) = 30
2) The total gross weekly earnings or
in-kind benefit(g) need to total the federal minimum wage multiplied by 30.
●The weekly average income of participants may fluctuate weekly or be paid other than weekly. The weekly average hours needs to equal or exceed 30 hours.
($7.25 X 30 hrs. = $217.50)
Week 1 $200
Week 2 $190
Week 3 $300
Week 4 $180
Total Wages $870
Average Wages÷4 (weeks) = $217.50
●Federal minimum bi-weekly or semi-monthly average:
($7.25 X 30 hrs. = $217.50 X 2 weeks = $435)
Pay Period 1 $390
Pay Period 2 $480
Total Wages $870
Average Wages÷2 (pay periods) = $435
In-Kind Benefit calculated to a monthly amount:
$7.25 X 30 hrs. = $217.50 X 4 weeks = $870
●A participant lives in a relative’s home and works instead of paying rent and utilities by maintaining the yard, landscaping, and repairs to the home. The owner states the participant’s rent is worth $750 a month, and utilities run around $120 per month. The total in-kind benefit is $870.
Legal Authorities
7 CFR 273.7
7CFR 273.7(b)(1)(iii)
7CFR 273.7(b)(1)(vi)
7CFR 273.7(b)(1)(viii)
7 CFR 273.7(b) & (c)
7 CFR 273.7(c)
7 CFR 273.7(c)(i)
7 CFR 273.7(c)(18)
7 CFR 273.7(d)(4)
7 CFR 273.24(c)(5)
ARS 41-1954(1)(b) and (3)
AAC R6-10-101 to 304
last revised 03/19/2024