FAA6.A Changes : 02 FAA and Third-Party Initiated Changes : F National Directory of New Hires (NDNH)
National Directory of New Hires (NDNH)
Information on this page refers to the Nutrition Assistance program Information on this page refers to the Cash Assistance program
This section includes information about the National Directory of New Hire (NDNH) report.
The National Directory of New Hire (NDNH) report is a computerized matching program which compares FAA’s NA and CA participant information with new employment information.
The NDNH helps to establish a participant’s eligibility for NA and CA, may reduce payment errors, and maintains program integrity. The NDNH is a report received monthly, and is considered unclear(g) information.
When an employer match is made between the NDNH report and an active NA or CA participant, FAA completes all of the following:
Reviews the employment information against the current case information.
Determines what action is required. (See Verifying Reported Changes for more information.)
Takes one of the following actions:
Resolves unclear information during the Mid Approval Contact (MAC), or renewal, whichever comes first.
Requests the verification from the participant, allowing 10 calendar days to provide.
When the participant provides verification of the earned income, FAA redetermines NA or CA benefits based on the income verification provided and all other eligibility factors. A determination notice is sent to the participant.
When the participant does not respond to the original request, or fails to resolve disputed discrepancies, FAA completes all of the following:
Denies or closes the case allowing for NOAA
Sends a notice
When the participant states that someone else is using their Social Security Number (SSN), see Participant Disagrees with Wage Information for more information.
FAA is required to provide an annual report to the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the outcome of cases included on the NDNH Report.
The participant has the primary responsibility for providing verification. (See Participant Responsibilities – Providing Verification for additional policy.)
Verification includes any of the following:
The C038 notice completed by the employer
Pay stubs
A written letter from the employer
Screen shots of the pay received with employer’s name
Collateral Contact with the employer
Legal Authorities
last revised 03/13/2023