Revision 50 (01-01-22 through 12-31-22) : FAA2 Non-Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA2 Non-Financial Eligibility Factors
Archived 06/22/2022
Archived 08/01/2022
Archived 12/05/2022
Reformatted and moved information about the application from FAA1.B12 and FAA1.D01 through FAA1.D11. (Effective for determinations made on or after 06/27/2022) (References changed from FAA1.B12 and FAA1.D01 through FAA1.D11) Revised policy regarding applications turned in outside of business hours. When the application and interview are completed the same calendar day, the effective date of the application is the date of the interview. (Effective with all applications received on or after 08/01/2022) Removed the requirement to copy Page 1 of the identifiable application and give it to the participant as proof of application. Added that staff provide a copy of the paper application to the participant when requested. (Effective for all applications received on or after 12/05/2022)
Reformatted and moved Application Screening from FAA1.E through FAA1.E05 to CNAP FAA2.A. (Effective 08/15/2022) (Reference changed from FAA1.E)
Archived 04/11/2022
Archived 06/27/2022
Prior Policy
Archived 08/29/2022
Archived 11/28/2022
Reformatted and moved the NAX requirements from FAA1.F to the new Application section. (Effective for applications screened for NAX on or after 04/11/2022) (Reference changed from FAA1.F01B.01). Added a sentence regarding an application that cannot be expedited when the participant received benefits in another case. Also added the CFR. (Effective for applications screened for NAX on or after 06/27/2022) Replaced the time frame when an NAX interview must be completed. Replaced the X904 notice with the new NA/CA Expedited Interview (X905) notice. (Effective for all applications received on or after 09/01/2022)
Added when the budgetary unit is billed for two non-heating or non-cooling utility expenses, they are eligible for LUA. The LUA amount is used to determine eligibility for NAX. (Effective for interviews conducted on or after 11/28/2022 for the benefit month of 01/2023 and ongoing)
Reformatted and moved information about the application from FAA1.B12 and FAA1.D01 through FAA1.D11. (Effective for determinations made on or after 06/27/2022) (References changed from FAA1.B12 and FAA1.D01 through FAA1.D11)
Archived 04/11/2022
Archived 07/25/2022
Reformatted and moved ways to sign the application and other documents from FAA5.I to the new Application section. (Effective for applications or documents signed on or after 04/11/2022) (Reference changed from FAA5.I04A). Updated policy for accepting a voice signature via ASL interpreters. (Effective for applications or documents signed on or after 07/25/2022)
FAA2.A06 – Determining Budgetary Units
Archived 06/27/2022
Archived 09/26/2022
Archived 10/03/2022
Reformatted and moved information about Setup Participations and Participation Requirements from Case Participation and Special households to new reformat section, Determining Budgetary Units and Case Participation. (Effective for determinations made on or after 06/27/2022) (References changed from FAA2.D01 to FAA2.D07D and FAA2.J05C through FAA2.J06F.04 then FAA2.L05 through FAA2.L05B)
Reformatted and moved information regarding Marital Status to a new sub section under Determining Budgetary Units. (Effective for determinations made on or after 09/26/2022) (References changed from FAA2.G01 through FAA2.G05). Updated Keying Procedures for the NE Relationship Code. For eligibility determinations completed on or after 10/03/2022)
Archived 06/27/2022
Archived 09/26/202
Reformatted and moved information about Setup Participations and Participation Requirements from Case Participation and Special households to new reformat section, Budgetary Units with Special Circumstances to include special households. (Effective for determinations made on or after 06/27/2022) (References changed from FAA2.D01 to FAA2.D07D and FAA2.J05C through FAA2.J06F.04 then FAA2.L05 through FAA2.L05B) Reformatted and moved information from multiple references regarding UMPs and MMPs to a new section titled Minor Parents. (Effective for determinations made on or after 09/26/2022) (References changed from FAA2.M08 through FAA2.M09B and FAA3.A05 through FAA3.A05C)
Reformatted and moved information from multiple references regarding UMPs and MMPs to a new section titled Minor Parents. (Effective for determinations made on or after 09/26/2022) (References changed from FAA2.M08 through FAA2.M09B and FAA3.A05 through FAA3.A05C)
Archived 06/27/2022
Archived 11/21/2022
Reformatted and moved information about Participation Requirements from Case Participation and Disqualified NA and CA participants to new reformat section, Disqualified Participants to include drug convictions special keying in AZTECS. (Effective for determinations made on or after 06/27/2022) (References changed from FAA2.D05C through FAA2.D06) Removed the policy indicating that noncitizens sponsored by a group or organization are disqualified from receiving Cash Assistance. (Effective for eligibility determinations made on or after 11/21/2022)
Reformatted and moved references about the interview from FAA1.F, FAA2.B01, and FAA5.I into one chapter. (Effective for interviews completed on or after 04/11/2022) (References changed from FAA1.F, FAA2.B01, and FAA5.I)
The time frame when an NAX interview must be completed changed from five days to seven days. (Effective for all applications received on or after 09/01/2022. Reference changed 12/19/2022.)
FAA2.B01C – Informing Participants of Important Information
Added that staff must inform noncitizen participants that receipt of Nutrition Assistance or Medical Assistance that is not for government-funded long-term care are not factors in determining whether an individual is considered a Public Charge. (Effective 03/14/2022) Moved to the Interview Process. (Effective 04/11/2022)
Updated with new SNAP CAN instructions. Added a note regarding the ebtEDGE app and removed the requirement to provide the FAA-1759 flyer. (Effective 12/12/2022)
Added directions to ensure AZTECS and HEAplus information match. Clarified keying instructions. (Effective 02/14/2022)
Archived 06/27/2022
Archived 08/22/0222
Revised to add new PARIS Interstate Match Report policy and procedures. (Effective for all PARIS ACTS Alerts received on or after 06/27/22). Removed the reference to uploading the Potential Overpayment (OP) Referral (FAA-0526A) form. The form is not to be uploaded to OnBase. (Effective for all PARIS ACTS Alerts received on or after 06/27/22)
Added directions to ensure AZTECS and HEAplus information match. Clarified keying instructions. (Effective 02/14/2022)
FAA2.D04 – Referred Applications
Reformatted and moved information regarding Inmate Pre-Release applications to a new section under Referred Applications. (Effective for determinations made on or after 09/26/2022) (Reference changed from FAA1.A17)
FAA2.D03 – Living Arrangements
Added note regarding actions needed when all household members are not list on the application. (Effective with all applications received and determinations made on or after 01/10/2022)
FAA2.D03A – Verification of Living Arrangements
Added information regarding continued absence for CA. Removed the NA Exception and added a link to the Homeless Living Arrangements section. (Effective with all applications received on or after 03/14/2022)
FAA2.D05C.02 – CA Participants Keyed as DI
Revised to add that for the Pascua Yaqui Tribal TANF program, a drug conviction is a permanent disqualification. (Effective with applications received on or after 02/14/2022)
Added the Q3 code to the list. (Effective with all applications received on or after 02/07/2022)
Added Q3 code and corrected the description for the QC code. Removed Warning boxes. (Effective with all applications received on or after 02/07/2022)
Added ACTS Alert name to end Jobs CA sanction and also clarified the process to end sanctions by FAA. Added name for the A741 notice. Policy was clarified as of 10/17/2022)
FAA2.I06B.03 – Veteran’s Benefits Referral
Included the website where participants can apply for VA benefits. (For interviews completed on or after 03/28/2022)
FAA2.J06E.02 – Homeless Special Considerations
Removed Notices for the Homeless (General Delivery). This information is in the overview section. Added shelter deduction special considerations information. Linked to the homeless glossary term. Added note to include how to key AZTECS to identify homeless budgetary units. (Effective 04/11/2022)
FAA2.J06E.03 – Homeless Living Arrangements
Revised for clarity and removed the requirement to set an ACTS Alert. (Effective with all applications received on or after 04/18/2022)
FAA2.J06E.04 – Homeless Verification
Revised the section title and revised this section to clarify verification of living arrangements requirements for homeless participants. (Effective with all applications received on or after 03/14/2022)
FAA2.J06E.05 – Homeless Receiving Notices
Changed the conjunction ‘and’ to ‘or’ to include any participant with a non-traditional residential location; changed the terminology to a non-traditional residential location. Added without a valid U.S. Postal Service residential mailing address. Added note with a link for examples on how to document a description of a non-traditional residential location. (For eligibility determinations completed on or after 05/31/2022)
FAA2.J06G – Residents of an Institution
Added instructions regarding incorrect information on the PST Institution List. (Effective 01/10/2022)
FAA2.J06G.01 – Maintaining Institutions
Added instructions regarding incorrect information on the PST Institution List. (Effective 01/10/2022)
FAA2.J07 – Arizona Residency Verification
Changed the conjunction ‘and’ to ‘or’ to include any participant with a non-traditional residential location; changed the terminology to a non-traditional residential location. Added without a valid U.S. Postal Service residential mailing address. Added note with a link for examples on how to document a description of a non-traditional residential location. Added bullet about General Delivery for FAA notices. Removed warning box for ACP, added content as a rule. (For eligibility determinations completed on or after 05/31/2022)
FAA2.K08 – Noncitizen Overview
Revised to clarify when the Noncitizen Script is read to the participant. Title of the script has changed to NA and CA Noncitizen Script. (Policy has been clarified as of 04/11/2022)
FAA2.K08A – Qualified Noncitizens
Added a separate bullet for Amerasian policy. (Effective on or after 05/16/22)
FAA2.K08A.01 – Asylee
Added legal reference. Updated policy that Asylee cases are seen by the FAA Refugee Offices during their first 12 months in the U.S. (This is effective for refugees with an arrival date into the United States (U.S.) on or after 10/01/2021)
FAA2.K08A.02 – Battered Noncitizen
Archived 01/03/2022
Archived 05/02/2022
Revised to clarify who qualifies as a battered noncitizen, the requirements, and what needs to be provided to determine eligibility. (Policy was clarified as of 01/03/2022). Added additional information regarding eligibility requirements for self-petitioners under the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). (For eligibility determinations completed on or after 05/02/2022).
FAA2.K08A.03 – Cuban or Haitian Entrant
Archived 04/25/2022
Archived 05/16/2022
Revised for clarity. Added link to the Qualified Noncitizen Documents- Overview policy. (Policy has been clarified as of 04/25/2022). Updated policy that Cuban or Haitian Entrant cases are seen by the FAA Refugee Offices during their first 12 months in the U.S. (This is effective for refugees with an arrival date into the United States (U.S.) on or after 10/01/2021)
FAA2.K08A.06 – Noncitizen Paroled into the U.S.
Added links for Afghan SI and Non-SI parolees. (Policy has been clarified as of 02/28/2022)
FAA2.K08A.07 – Refugees
Added legal reference. Updated title. Updated policy that Refugee cases are seen by the FAA Refugee Offices during their first 12 months in the U.S. (This is effective for refugees with an arrival date into the United States (U.S.) on or after 10/01/2021)
FAA2.K08A.08 – Amerasian
New Policy
Added legal reference and created a separate policy for Amerasians. (This is effective for refugees with an arrival date into the United States (U.S.) on or after 10/01/2021)
FAA2.K08A.09 – Victim of Severe Trafficking
Added legal reference. Updated policy that Victim of Severe Trafficking cases are seen by the FAA Refugee Offices during their first 12 months in the U.S. (This is effective for refugees with an arrival date into the United States (U.S.) on or after 10/01/2021)
FAA2.K08A.10 – Special Immigrant Visa Holder.
Archived 02/28/2022
Archived 05/16/2022
Updated policy with additional information regarding Afghan Arrival Categories, Documentation, and SAVE Response. (Policy has been clarified as of 02/28/2022). Added legal reference. Updated policy that Special Immigrant Visa Holder cases are seen by the FAA Refugee Offices during their first 12 months in the U.S. (This is effective for refugees with an arrival date into the United States (U.S.) on or after 10/01/2021)
FAA2.K08A.11 – Ukrainian Refugees
New Policy
Added a new policy for Ukrainian refugees who are approved for NA and CA under the Additional Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2022 (AUSAA). (For applications received on or after 05/21/2022)
FAA2.K08A.12 – Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR).
Added link for Afghan LPRs. Changed formatting. (Policy has been clarified as of 02/28/2022)
FAA2.K08F – Qualified Noncitizen Documents - Overview
Added additional documents for Cuban or Haitian Entrants. (Policy has been clarified as of 04/25/2022)
FAA2.K08G.02 – Nonqualified Noncitizens without USCIS Documentation
Removed OSI verbiage as OSI is not responsible to handle the submissions. (Effective 01/31/2022)
FAA2.K09 – Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP)
Archived 10/01/2021
Archived 05/21/2022
Archived 10/06/2022
Updated new RRP benefit timeframe. Linked each refugee group to the designated policy. (This is effective for refugees with an arrival date into the United States (U.S.) on or after 10/01/2021). Added a new bullet for Ukrainian Refugees. (For applications received on or after 05/21/2022). Removed the RE keying information for FAA Refugee Unit staff – per UB issued on 10/06/2022. Reference changed from FAA2.K09 to FAA2.D03. (Effective 10/06/2022)
FAA2.L03A – Date of Birth
Archived 09/26/2022
Revised the reference and added steps to processing cases with an unknown date of birth (DOB). (For eligibility determinations completed on or after 09/26/2022)
FAA2.L04E – Student Status Alert
Removed the entire reference. The information is obsolete. (Effective 06/06/2022)
Removed some hyperlinks and added Hopi Tribal TANF to the list of participants that the FBCP policy does not apply. (For applications received on or after 06/06/2022)
Removed some hyperlinks and added Hopi Tribal TANF to the list of participants that the FBCP policies do not apply. (For applications received on or after 06/06/2022)
Added the Hopi Tribal TANF adopted child. (For applications received on or after 06/06/2022)
Removed hyperlinks and added the Hopi Tribal TANF Program. (For applications received on or after 06/06/2022)
Added FBCP to the title. Removed language regarding ‘unless evidence exists’ and clarified steps to be taken for the BC exemption. (Policy has been clarified as of 09/06/2022)
Added to the list of non-countable months, any month when received during the period of 03/2020 through 05/2022 due to COVID-19. (Policy has been clarified as of 12/12/2022)
Added the “@” symbol that denotes a non-countable month due to COVID-19. (Policy has been clarified as of 12/12/2022)
Clarified ABAWD WERE screen keying procedures. (Effective 01/10/2022)
Reformatted and moved all referral applications in FAA2.I to referred applications. Also, moved Refugee Resettlement Program referrals from FAA2.K. (Effective for determinations made on or after 06/27/2022) (References changed from FAA2.K09 and FAA2.I03 through FAA2.I05C)