Program and Person Alerts
(01/01/24 - 12/31/24)
When any of the following exist, key the appropriate Alert Code in the first available ALERT TYPE field next to the participant's name or in the appropriate program ALERT TYPE field on PRAP:
Key one of the following for Alert Codes for CA Budgetary Units:
GD - Grant Diversion (For more information about the policy, see Grant Diversion.)
GT - Grant Diversion / TPEP Combination (For more information about the policy, see Grant Diversion.)
KS - Kinship Care (For more information about the policy, see Kinship Care Special Considerations.)
TP - TPEP (For more information about the policy, see Two Parent Employment Program (TPEP).)
Key one of the following Alert Codes for participant limitations or warnings:
CA - Caution excitable or violent participant (For more information about the policy, see Providing a Safe Environment.)
HV - Home based interview or home visit required for participants with a disability (For more information about the policy, see Conducting the Interview.)
Key one of the following Alert Codes for Participant Disqualifications:
C1 – First sanction for conviction of trading NA benefits for controlled substances or controlled substances for NA benefits. The participant is disqualified for 24 calendar months(g).
C2 – Second sanction for conviction of trading NA benefits for controlled substances or controlled substances for NA benefits. The participant is disqualified permanently.
FD – Felony drug conviction.
FF - Fleeing felon.
FR - Fraud conviction. The participant is disqualified for 120 calendar months.
FS – Fraudulent Statements.
IP - Intentional Program Violation (IPV).
DI - SSN enumeration.
NS - Did not provide Illegal Drug Use Statement.
NT - Did not complete required drug test.
TD - Participant tested positive for illegal drug use. (For more information about the policy, see Drug Test Completed with Positive Results.)
VQ - Voluntary quit and reduced work hours.
NOTE For more information about the policy, see Disqualified Participants.
Key one of the following Alert Codes for PRA Sanctions:
CS - DCSS noncompliance. (For more information about the policy, see Imposing a New CA Sanction.)
IM - Immunization noncompliance. (For more information about the policy, see CA PRA Immunization Noncompliance for Renewal Applications.)
JB - Jobs noncompliance. (For more information about the policy, see Imposing a New CA Sanction.)
SA - School attendance noncompliance. (For more information about the policy, see CA PRA School Attendance Good Cause for Noncompliance and School Attendance Noncompliance for Renewal Applications.)
Key one of the following Alert Codes for other Noncooperation issues:
OS - Office of Special Investigations (OSI). (For more information, see Acting on OSI Reports of Investigation. (Internal use only))
QC - Quality Control refusal to cooperate. (For more information about the policy, see Cooperating with Quality Control.)
Q3 - Quality Control failure to cooperate. (For more information about the policy, see Cooperating with Quality Control.)
Key one of the following Alert Codes for other miscellaneous issues:
$$ - Outstanding overpayment verification. (For more information about the policy, see Overpayment Unit Responsibilities – Verification.)
UI - Under investigation. (For more information, see Acting on OSI Reports of Investigation. (Internal use only))
The following Participant Disqualification Alert Codes must be keyed in the third ALERT TYPE field on PRAP next to the disqualified participant, regardless of the number of other person alerts:
FD - Felony Drug Conviction
FF - Fleeing Felon
IP - Intentional Program Violation (IPV)
NOTE Keying these alert types in the first or second ALERT TYPE field on PRAP next to the disqualified elderly participant or person with a disability incorrectly allows the household special considerations.