FAA2.A The Application : 03 Requirements for NA Expedited Services (NAX)
Requirements for NA Expedited Services (NAX)
Information on this page refers to the Nutrition Assistance program
This subject includes the NA expedited service and time frame criteria for a new NA application.
All new NA applications(g) are screened for potential eligibility for expedited services. To be potentially eligible for expedited services, one or more of the following are required to be reported on the application:
The reported total gross countable income expected to be received in the application month is less than $150, and the reported liquid resources are $100 or less.
A destitute migrant or seasonal farm worker is included in the NA application, and the reported liquid resources are $100 or less.
The reported total gross countable income expected to be received in the application month plus the reported liquid resources are less than the reported rent or mortgage plus one of the following for the budgetary unit size:
The Standard Utility Allowance (SUA) when the budgetary unit is obligated to pay for a heating or cooling utility expense.
The Limited Utility Allowance (LUA) when the budgetary unit is obligated to pay for at least two non-heating or non-cooling utility expenses.
The Telephone Utility Allowance (TUA) when the only utility is a telephone expense.
No utility expense deduction when the budgetary unit is not obligated to pay any allowable utility expenses.
NOTE See NA Utility Expenses and Allowances for additional information regarding the allowances and Utility Allowance Current Amounts for the current utility allowance amounts.
Eligibility for NA expedited services is determined during the interview. There is no limit on how many times a budgetary unit may receive NA expedited services. When documents are provided with the application, the documents are used to determine eligibility, when applicable.
For budgetary units that are eligible for NA expedited services, a determination is completed no later than the seventh calendar day from the application date. The seven days begins the day after receipt of the NA application. Benefits are on the card no later than the seventh calendar day from the application date.
New applications are ineligible for NA expedited services and are processed using the NA new application time frames when any of the following occur:
All postponed verification requested at the last expedited approval was not received by FAA.
The application is an untimely NA renewal application.
The previous NA approval period was stopped for refusing to cooperate with the Quality Control (QC) process. (See Cooperating with Quality Control)
The information provided on the application or in the case file indicates ineligibility for the month of application or the following month.
The participant does not provide required information to determine whether the budgetary unit is eligible for NA expedited services.
When an NA application is expedited, all verification except identity of the Primary Informant(g) can be postponed. (See Postponed Verification for additional information.)
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last revised 08/05/2024