Revision 48 (01-01-20 through 12-31-20) : FAA1 System Information and Application Screening
FAA1 System Information and Application Screening
FAA1.A05B – Conflict of Interest – Supervisor Reporting Responsibility
Revised to include what should be done with the previous year’s FAA-1446A and FAA-1447A. (Effective 12/21/2020)
FAA1.A07A – Handling Special Cases – DBME Employees
Revised FAA employees to DBME employees and included a list of DBME Administrations. Revised list of those that can access locked case files. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A02C – CNAP Manual - Request for Policy Clarification
Combined policy for requesting a Policy Clarification and a Field Inquiry into one reference. (Effective 10/13/2020)
FAA1.A07A.01 – Handling DBME Employee Cases - Reporting Case Participation
Revised FAA employees to DBME employees. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07A.02 – Handling DBME Employee Cases - Completing Interviews
Removed reference to calling EBU to make an appointment for an interview. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07A.04 – Handling Employee Cases – Receipt of an EBT Card
Revised for clarity and added employee is to follow the regular EBT issuance process. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07B – Handling Special Cases – Contractors, Volunteers or Temporary Employees
Revised to include references to other applicable policies and procedures regarding DBME contractors, volunteers, or temporary employees. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07B.01 – Handling Special Cases – Contractors, Volunteers or Temporary Employees – Reporting Case Participation
Adding new reference material to match Handling Employee Cases – Reporting Case Participation. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07B.02 – Handling DBME Employee Cases – Interviews - Contractors, Volunteers, or Temporary Employees Interviews
Adding new reference material to match Handling Employee Interviews. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07B.03 – Handling DBME Employee Cases – Submitting Verification – Contractors, Volunteers, or Temporary Employees
Adding new reference material to match Handling Employee Cases – Submitting Verification. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07B.04 – Handling Special Cases – Contractors, Volunteers or Temporary Employees – Receipt of an EBT Card
Adding new reference material to match Handling Employee Cases – Receipt of an EBT Card. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07C – Handling Special Cases – Relatives
Added clarifying language to include all DBME employees, contractors, volunteers, or temporary employees. Added additional procedure for handling relative cases in rural areas. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07D – Handling Special Cases – Co-workers and Co-worker’s Relatives
Added clarifying language to include all DBME employees, contractors, volunteers, or temporary employees. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07E – Handling Special Cases – DBME Employee, Contractor, Volunteer, or Temporary Employee - Other Nonrelative Conflict of Interest Cases
Revised to indicate that this policy affects all of DBME. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A02C.01 – Request for a Field Inquiry
Combined policy for requesting a Policy Clarification and a Field Inquiry into one reference and removed this reference. (Effective 10/13/2020)
FAA1.A03G – Right to File a General Complaint
Added policy regarding the right to file a General Complaint. Included that FAA Office management is responsible to tracking General Complaints and resolutions using the FAA Client Complaint Tracker. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/27/2020)
FAA1.A04 – Confidentiality - Overview
Revised to include the requirement to authenticate the PI or Authorized Representative prior to releasing confidential information. (Effective 10/13/2020)
FAA1.A04C.02 – Release of Confidential Information to Law Enforcement
Added additional information regarding case involvement. (Effective for all applications received on or after 05/18/2020)
FAA1.A07C – Handling Special Cases - Relatives
Archived 02/18/2020
Archived 11/02/2020
Added additional information regarding case involvement. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/18/2020). Added clarifying language to include all DBME employees, contractors, volunteers, or temporary employees. Added additional procedure for handling relative cases in rural areas. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07D – Handling Special Cases – Co-workers and Co-worker’s Relatives
Archived 02/18/2020
Archived 11/02/2020
Added additional information regarding case involvement. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/18/2020). Added clarifying language to include all DBME employees, contractors, volunteers, or temporary employees. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A07E – Handling Special Cases - Other Nonrelative Conflict of Interest Cases
Archived 02/18/2020
Archived 11/02/2020
Added additional information regarding case involvement. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/18/2020). Revised to indicate that this policy affects all of DBME. (Effective 11/02/2020)
FAA1.A09 – Interpreter or Translator Needed - Overview
Title changed from Translation Requirements – Overview. Removed statistical information and contact information. Added INDA information. (Effective for all interviews completed on or after 06/15/2020)
FAA1.A11A – Programs Administered by FAA - Cash Assistance (CA) - Overview
Archived 03/16/2020
Archived 04/30/2020
Archived 07/27/2020
Archived 09/21/2020
Clarified that offering the GD option is mandatory. Added that the FAA-1410A or the A029 must be completed even when the participant declines the Grant Diversion option. (Effective for all interviews completed on or after 03/16/2020) Added that CA/GD benefits are based on the Federal Poverty Level. Added how CA/GD benefits can be accessed. Added that cash benefits cannot be used to purchase lottery tickets and the locations where the EBT card cannot be used. (Partially effective 04/30/2020 – See Urgent Bulletin) Added deprivation information – replace specified with caretaker. (Effective 07/27/2020) Added the Grant Diversion Screening Guide (FAA-1579A). (Effective for all applications received on or after 09/21/2020)
FAA1.A11A.05 – Programs Administered by FAA - CA Introduction to Grant Diversion
New Policy
Added new reference to include an introduction to Grant Diversion which is a CA program administered by FAA. No change to policy. (Effective 02/18/2020)
FAA1.A11B.01 – Programs Administered by FAA - NA - Allowable Purchases
Added online vendors as an option for participants to purchase allowable food items. (Partially effective 04/30/2020 – See Urgent Bulletin)
Removed the ten-day requirement regarding information verification and the policy regarding allowing the participant 4 days to complete a drug test for CA. This policy is located elsewhere and in the policy references within the mini menu. (Effective for requesting 30 days of income at an interview or reported change on or after 11/23/2020.)
Revised verbiage for consistency. (Effective 02/18/2020)
Added verbiage to clarify when an F100 should be sent to participant. (Effective 11/02/2020)
Archived 02/18/2020
Archived 06/05/2020
Archived 11/02/2020
Revised verbiage for consistency. (Effective 02/18/2020). Added policy clarifying that an additional notice is not sent when the verification provided causes ineligibility for ongoing benefits. (Effective 06/08/2020). Added note that it is not necessary to postpone verification when verification is provided at the interview. Added small verbiage that the f121 must list all postponed verification. (Effective 11/02/2020)
Revised verbiage for consistency. (Effective 02/18/2020)
Revised verbiage for consistency. (Effective 02/18/2020)
Revised verbiage for consistency. (Effective 02/18/2020)
FAA1.D02C – Official Applications - Identifiable Applications
Archived 04/06/2020
Archived 05/26/2020
Urgent Bulletin emailed on 04/03/2020 and attached as a banner to override the reference regarding whether signature is needed during Covid-19 Pandemic (Effective for application determinations from 04/06/2020 through 06/31/2020) Revised policy to include current processes when an identifiable and un-identifiable application is received. (Effective for applications received on or after 05/26/2020)
FAA1.D03 – Where to Apply and Ways to Provide Information-Overview
Added providing information to the where to apply policy. Added MyfamilyBenefits to the list of where to apply and how to provide. (Effective 03/02/2020)
FAA1.D05 – Authorized Representatives - Overview
Added the authorized representative must be appointed in writing with a signature by the PI. Added the PI can provide a signature using an acceptable method to sign the document either written, electronic, or telephonic. (Effective for applications received on or after 06/22/2020)
FAA1.D05D – Authorized Representatives – Rights and Responsibilities
Added the authorized representative must first be appointed in writing with a signature by the PI. Added the PI and authorized representative can provide a signature using an acceptable method to sign the document either written, electronic, or telephonic. Added requirements to which an authorized representative must agree when providing a telephonic signature. (Effective for applications received on or after 06/22/2020)
FAA1.D06B.01 – CA Payee - Death of the CA PI – PI Dies During the Application Process
Added the Denial Closure Reason Code and notice when denying an application. (Effective for eligibility determinations completed on or after 07/27/2020)
FAA1.D06C.04 – CA Payee – CA EBT Alternate Card Holder – Emergency Situations
Added clarifying information when an emergency CA EBT Alternate Card Holder may be named. (Effective for eligibility determinations completed on or after 07/27/2020)
FAA1.D11 – Withdrawing an Application – Overview
Revised for clarity. (Effective for all voluntary withdrawals received on or after 09/21/2020)
FAA1.D12 – Case Record Control (CARC) - Overview
New Policy
Added instructions for the CARC screen because cases must be assiged to site codes in order to work MAC ACTS alerts. (Effective for determinations completed on or after 07/20/2020)
FAA1.E01A – Application Screening - New Application Screening
Added the requirement to screen Cash Applications for potential GD eligibility. (Effective for all interviews completed on or after 03/16/2020)
FAA1.F01B.01 – NA Expedited Applications - Eligibility for Expedited Services
Added bullet that budgetary units that are not in compliance with QC are not eligible for expedited services. Added link to Outstanding QC reviews. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/21/2020)
FAA1.F01C – Interviewing Renewal Applications - Overview
Added policy regarding verifying changes at renewal, that were reported during the prior approval period. Added guidelines for when verification of a reported change is different than what was reported. When the verification of the reported change matches the information reported, document the case file. (Effective for all changes reported on or after 04/27/2020)
FAA1.H06 – NA Replacement - Overview
Removed entire subject because this is out of date benefit replacement procedures. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/27/2020)
FAA1.H08 – WARD - Purpose
Removed entire subject because this is out of date benefit replacement procedures. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/27/2020)
FAA1.H09 – Warrant Replacement Deletion – Overview
Removed entire subject because this is out of date benefit replacement procedures. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/27/2020)
FAA1.H10 – RERF - Purpose
Removed entire subject because this is out of date benefit replacement procedures. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/27/2020)
FAA1.H11 – Replacement Request for Warrants – Overview
Removed entire subject because this is out of date benefit replacement procedures. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/27/2020)
FAA1.H13 – Benefit Resend - Overview
Removed direct deposit policy for warrants and reformatted the first sentence. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/27/2020)