Glossary Terms Beginning with V
Definitions for words starting with V are listed on this page. Take the link above or scroll down to the glossary term.
Valid Address
A valid address is an address where mail is delivered by the United States Postal Service (USPS). There is more than one type of valid address.
A valid address includes all of the following:
House or building number, direction (when applicable), street name, and street type (when applicable)
NOTE A Post Office (PO) Box number or “General Delivery” can be used instead of the number and street name.
City or Town, State, and ZIP Code
Examples of formatting for a valid address include all of the following:
PO Box:
PO Box 19009
Phoenix AZ 85005
General Delivery:
General Delivery
Phoenix AZ 85034
Residential address:
515 E Apple Dr
Phoenix AZ 85021
Verified Upon Receipt Definition
Verified Upon Receipt refers to information received by FAA that meets all of the following:
Enough information is provided to increase, decrease, or stop benefits
Additional verification is not required to effect changes to benefits or eligibility based on information that is verified upon receipt. For more information, see When to Effect Changes.
Information from any of the following sources are considered verified upon receipt:
Social Security and SSI benefit information from the Beneficiary and Earnings Data Exchange (BENDEX) or State Data Exchange (SDX)
Unemployment Insurance benefits information available through the Household System Check (HOSC)
Child support income issued through the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) and displayed on CHSP
TANF(g) benefit information
Wire Third Party Information (WTPI)
Health-e-Arizona Plus (HEAplus) Social Security Online - State On-Line Query Internet (SOLQI) Response Data Summary
Deceased Participant Crossmatch Report provided by the Arizona Department of Health Services (ADHS) Office of Vital Records
Lottery winnings information provided by the Arizona Lottery Commission
Information received by FAA that is not verified upon receipt includes, and is not limited to, all of the following:
Federal Tax Information (FTI) Crossmatch Report provided by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
PARIS Interstate Match Report
National Directory of New Hires (NDNH)
Returned mail from the United States Postal Service (USPS)
Wage information not from the primary source
Information that is questionable(g) or unclear(g)
Virtual Print Driver (VPD) Definition
The Virtual Print Driver “captures” documents directly into OnBase(g) without the physical process of printing to a piece of paper and then scanning that piece of paper into OnBase.
Voluntary Agency (VOLAG) Definition
A Voluntary Agency (VOLAG) is a Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) agency responsible for assisting eligible refugee populations with resettlement in the United States. A VOLAG is also known as a Resettlement Agency (RA).
For more information about VOLAGs, see RRP.
Vulnerable Persons Definition
In all cases, FAA must act to protect households containing a vulnerable person who may lose EBT cards but are not committing fraud or trafficking.
Vulnerable persons include, and are not limited to, any of the following:
Elderly or Has a Disability (For more information, see Budgetary Units with Special Circumstances)
Victim of Violence or a Crime
Victim of Domestic Violence