Glossary Terms Beginning with U
Definitions for words starting with U are listed on this page. Take the link above or scroll down to the glossary term.
Unclear Information Definition
Unclear information is information provided by a third-party source(g), that is not verified or information that is verified, but additional information is needed for FAA to determine the impact on the budgetary unit’s eligibility or benefit amount.
Unclear information must be resolved before determining benefits for a new application or renewal application, or the Mid Approval Contact (MAC).
Sources of unclear information include, and are not limited to, any of the following:
Returned mail
PARIS Interstate Match Report
National Directory of New Hires (NDNH)
Undocumented Noncitizen Definition
A noncitizen who entered the United States without the permission of the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), or the approval of the Attorney General.
Undue Hardship Definition
A situation that causes an excessive burden to a Budgetary Unit (BU). The situation may include, and is not limited to, referring a participant to an employer for income verification after the participant reported having a disagreement with the employer, or when contacting the employer would result in an extreme financial expense.
Unearned Income Definition
Unearned income is income received from sources unrelated to employment and is generally not acquired through work.
See any of the following types of income listed in the CNAP Manual for more information about income types that are normally considered unearned income:
Unity Forms Definition
Unity Forms are forms created within the OnBase(g) platform. Only authorized staff within the Division of Benefits and Medical Eligibility (DBME) are given access to OnBase. The Unity Forms are accessed by selecting the Forms icon from the OnBase toolbar.
Unrestricted loan Definition
A loan that is not limited or restricted for a specific use and can be used for any purpose.
Unsubsidized Employment Definition
All paid employment in the public or private sector except On-The-Job Training (OJT).
These employers do not get an incentive for hiring a person that gets benefits.
Upload to OnBase Definition
Uploading is the process of moving a document or image to OnBase(g) so that it can be stored and viewed at a later date. This process can occur in multiple ways, including and not limited to, any of the following:
Keying a Y in the SEND TO field on selected AZTECS screens
Scanning a document into an OnBase scanner