Right to Confidential Case Information
Information on this page refers to the Nutrition Assistance program Information on this page refers to the Cash Assistance program
This subject includes the right to confidential case information and how confidential information is released.
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All information in any FAA record, case file(g), secured system, or known to employees, contractors, volunteers, or temporary employees is confidential and protected by confidentiality rules, laws, and policies.
Under Arizona Revised Statute §18-552 - Notification for Compromised Personal information, the customer is notified of any breach of confidentiality.
Any of the following may authorize confidential case information to be released or discussed with persons not included in the budgetary unit:
Types of Confidential Information
Confidential information includes, and is not limited to, any of the following:
Any participant or claimant information including, and not limited to, any of the following:
Date of birth
Social Security number (SSN)
Telephone number
Benefit amount and participation
Child support information
Employer information (employer name and address, salary amount, leave accrual)
Medical or health information for participants
Any information not generally available to the public
Participant Review of Case Information
A participant has the right to review their case file. The FAA Office Manager or their designated staff is required to be present during the entire case review.
NOTE Participants can view and print a Proof of NA/CA Eligibility card by accessing their account on the My Family Benefits (MFB) website at https://myfamilybenefits.azdes.gov/.
When a participant needs to review their case file, the participant needs to request an appointment. FAA accepts requests verbally or in writing at one of the following:
Customer Support Center at toll-free (855) 432-7587
Fax to (602) 257-7031
Fax toll-free to (844) 680-9840
Mail to:
Arizona Department of Economic Security
PO Box 19009
Phoenix, AZ 85005-9009
See DES/FAA Locations to find the location of an FAA office
The participant receives a confirmation for the request no later than the second workday(g) after the date of the request. The confirmation includes a date and time for the participant to review the case file. The FAA Office Manager makes an appointment by one of the following:
A written information request
The participant is required to complete their case file review within seven workdays of the original request.
During the review, the participant can request any of the following:
Printed copies of any documents they review in the case file.
To make an audio recording of the review. The audio recording can include answers to questions asked by the participant.
No Permission Needed to Release Case Information
FAA releases confidential information related to case eligibility without the Primary Informant’s permission to all of the following organizations:
FAA and its employees for an official business reason
NOTE No information on a case is released to an FAA employee with a known conflict of interest unless the employee is the appointed authorized representative.
Social Security Administration (SSA) employees
Other state public assistance agencies
Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) or its legal counsel
Arizona Attorney General's office
Any federal or federally assisted program that provides assistance or services directly to people based on their need
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) for purposes of providing medical services, including enrolling in a health plan or obtaining medical services
Hospitals and their authorized representatives with the completed Authorization to Share Information (FAA‑1145A) form
Schools that have intergovernmental agreement or school personnel verifying eligibility for breakfast, lunch, or special milk programs
Federal auditors from any of the federal assistance programs that have legal permission to audit FAA cases
Department of Child Safety (DCS), when requesting information for a case that may have known or suspected abuse
DCS, when requesting information related to Foster Care or Adoptions
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for claims made by an absent parent (AP) about children receiving CA
Office of Accounts Receivable and Collections (OARC)
NOTE FAA shares the participants SSN with OARC and the Arizona Department of Gaming in order to assist in the collection of an overpayment. Lottery winnings may be withheld to repay an overpayment.
State and federal employment security agencies, when requesting information for purposes of potential work program participation and claiming the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC)
Employers are only provided information regarding receipt of CA for purposes of claiming the Targeted Job Tax Credit under Public Law (PL) 94 12
FAA does not release medical information without authorization from the participant and physician.
Regarding appeals documents and the status of actions taken specifically to the hearing decision, FAA releases information to only the following:
Primary informant or an authorized representative
Appellant’s authorized representative or legal counsel
Public Records Requests
Public records request includes and is not limited to, all of the following:
Court orders
Requests from law enforcement
Media inquiries
Statistical data for research purposes
All information is considered public record, with the exception of any of the following:
Confidentiality – Disclosure is not required where prohibited by statute, court rule, or court order (e.g., social security numbers, etc.).
Personal Privacy – Some records need not be disclosed due to a person's privacy rights (e.g., home address, telephone numbers, email addresses, racial background, etc.).
“Best Interest” – Disclosure may not be required when the record’s release is not in the state’s best interest (e.g., a release would inhibit public safety efforts or place the state at a competitive disadvantage).
NOTE FAA can provide law enforcement officials the social security number, home address and a photo of the participant, if available, when a written request is provided.
For additional information requesting DES records, see Request DES Records.
To request public records from DES, contact the Public Records Request Coordinator at any of the following:
Mail to:
DES Public Records Request Coordinator
P.O. Box 6123
Mail Drop 1292
Phoenix, AZ 85005
Fax to: (602) 542-6000
Email to: [email protected]
FAA must verify the identity of both the primary informant(g) and the authorized representative(g) before releasing confidential information from a case file.
Examples of proof of identity include, and are not limited to, any of the following:
Collateral Contact
State-issued driver’s license or identification card
Birth Certificate
School I.D.
Social Services Programs identification card
Wage stubs or work I.D.
Voter Registration Card
Other similar documents
Legal Authorities
last revised 12/09/2024