Glossary Terms Beginning with R
Definitions for words starting with R are listed on this page. Take the link above or scroll down to the glossary term.
Relative Definition
A relative is defined as a person who is related to the participant by blood, adoption, or marriage, which include any of the following:
Cousin (first cousin, first cousin once removed)
Grandparent (grandmother, grandfather, great, great-great, and great-great-great grandparent)
Parent (mother, father)
Relative (other than grandparent) of prior generation with the prefix grand, great, or great-great
Sibling (sister, brother)
Stepparent (stepmother, stepfather)
NOTE The parent of a stepparent is not considered a relative.
Stepsibling (stepsister, stepbrother)
Renewal Application Definition
An application turned in to check current case facts. This application is used to determine the budgetary unit's eligibility.
Respite Care Definition
Respite Care is temporary care of a patient provided by someone other than the primary care giver. The respite care is given with the intent of providing a break for the primary care giver.
Responsible Participant Definition
A member of the NA budgetary unit (adult or minor participant) who can provide sufficient and accurate information regarding the household circumstances.
Minor participants cannot sign the application or any other legal document.
Restricted Loan Definition
A loan that is limited or restricted to a specific use and therefore cannot be used for other purposes.
Rolling Past the Current System Month Definition
Cases must be approved to the current system month after a determination is made. Do not roll a program past the current system month, unless it meets one of the following:
When effecting a decrease or closure in benefits and NOAA has passed. (See Example 1.)
NOTE This should only be applied to a verified change. (See Example 4.)
When adding a participant to a case who was receiving benefits in another case. (See Example 2.)
When a case has a low Unemployment Insurance (UI) income balance and income must be removed in the month after current system month. (See Example 3.)
For CA, when approving CA for Grant Diversion benefits.
When a participant applies after the 15th calendar day of the month and is approved for expedited services with postponed verification.
When a participant submits an application for renewal within 60 calendar days of the last day of the approval period.
When determined benefits should be rolled more than one month past the current system month, supervisor approval is required.
Rolling Past CSM Example 1
On 03/22/2023, Lucy reports a change that she begun working at McDonald’s. Lucy provides her paystubs and the paystubs have been verified as normal.
Current system month is 04/2023 and NOAA was on 03/20/2023.
Budgeting Lucy’s income decreases her benefits.
The worker rolls Lucy’s benefits to 05/2023, budgets the income from McDonald’s, decreases her benefits for 05/2023, and sends the appropriate change notice.
Rolling Past CSM Example 2
On 04/24/2023, Jack reported that his daughter Jill (19) moved back into the household. Jill was receiving benefits in her mother’s case and was removed from the case for the month of 06/2023.
Current system month is 05/2023.
Since Jill is a mandatory participant for Jack’s case, she will need to be added but Jill received benefits for the month of May in her mother’s case.
The worker rolls Jack’s case to 06/2023, adds Jill to the benefits, and sends the appropriate change notice.
Rolling Past CSM Example 3
Ann applies for NA and is interviewed on 04/25/2023. Ann states she is currently receiving Unemployment Insurance (UI) income and provides all mandatory information. The worker reviews HOSC and verifies the following:
Ann is receiving $240 weekly UI income.
Ann received a $240 payment on each of the following dates 04/25/2023, 04/18/2023, 04/11/2023, and 04/04/2023.
Ann’s current UI income balance is $720.
The worker determined Ann’s UI income will end 05/16/2023 and the current system month is 05/2023.
The worker approves the benefits for 04/2023 and 05/2023 with the UI income budgeted. The worker rolls the benefits to 06/2023, removes the UI income, and sends the appropriate notice.
Rolling Past CSM Example 4
On 04/25/2023, Pam reports she had a baby 04/02/2023. The worker adds the baby to her benefits and asks Pam when she will be returning to work. Pam states she plans on going back to work after her maternity leave.
Current system month is 05/2023.
This is not a verified change since it is not certain when Pam will be returning to work. This case would require Pam to report when she returns to work.