How to Use the CNAP Manual : How to Find Policy in the CNAP Manual
How to Find Policy in the CNAP Manual
Navigation tips for finding policy in the CNAP Manual are as follows:
When the CNAP Manual reference is known (for example, “FAA4.H04 titled Unearned Income Types” may be referenced in the What’s Changed), use the Table of Contents.
When an Index term is known (for example, “considerations for elderly” is provided as a Volume FAA2 Index term in a broadcast bulletin), use the Index.
When a reference or Index term is not known, use the Search feature. Enter terms or keywords unique or specific to the policy being searched.
When using the Search feature is not successful, consider the following:
Review the Table of Contents to locate the Volume that describes the type of policy being searched for. For example, the “FAA4” Volume contains financial eligibility factor information, such as income and resources.
Open the Volume to review the names of the Chapters in the Volume for the subject matter that describes the type of policy being searched for. Open the Chapter to review the titles of the Subjects to find the policy.
NOTE When applicable, the AZTECS screen names that directly relate to the policy and procedures in a Chapter are included in parentheses after the Chapter title.
Review the Index. To search the Index faster, use the Internet browser Find feature to look for terms in the Index.
The CNAP Manual is written with integrated program rules. When searching for policy, the integrated format should be taken into consideration. Policy and procedures for Cash Assistance and Nutrition Assistance are integrated as follows:
When policy for both programs is the same, the policy is written as one rule.
When both programs differ in policy, each program's rule is written separately within the Subject, as individual Subjects, or as an EXCEPTION.
Contact either of the following to get help with the CNAP Manual:
The FAA Policy Support Team via email at [email protected]
The FAA Policy Support Navigational Help Desk at (602) 774-5523
NOTE Hours are 8 am – 5 pm, Monday through Friday except holidays
For disabled persons who need assistance with this manual, or to view the Arizona Department of Administration (ADOA) policy and the DES standards on Web accessibility, see Equal Opportunity and Reasonable Accommodation.