Glossary Terms Beginning with N
Definitions for words starting with N are listed on this page. Take the link above or scroll down to the glossary term.
New Application Definition
An application turned in when the applicant has never received benefits in Arizona. Also, an application turned in when benefits have ended, and the budgetary unit wants to begin receiving benefits again.
Nonparent Caretaker Relative (NPCR) Definition
A nonparent may receive CA for a dependent child or for themselves, when related to the dependent child as a nonparent caretaker relative (NPCR). NPCRs include the following:
Relatives related by blood, adoption, or marriage, which include any of the following:
Sibling (sister, brother)
Grandparent (grandmother, grandfather, great, great-great, and great-great-great grandparent)
Cousin (first cousin, first cousin once removed)
Relative (other than grandparent) of prior generation with the prefix grand, great, or great-great
Stepparent (stepmother, stepfather)
NOTE The parent of a stepparent is not considered an NPCR.
Stepsibling (stepsister, stepbrother)
Spouse(g) of an NPCR, even when the marriage has been terminated by death or divorce
An unrelated adult when a child in the legal custody of DCS, Tribal court, or a Tribal welfare agency has been placed in the care of the unrelated adult. These unrelated adults meet the caretaker relative requirement. (See DCS or Tribal Placement Provider.)
For CA only, a nonrelative Legal Permanent Guardian (LPG), when the LPG has been appointed LPG by any court, during one of the following:
A dependency hearing
A dependency proceeding
Nonparticipant Definition
A person who is neither an applicant nor a participant.
Nonrelative Definition
A person who does not fall under the definition of a relative(g).
Non-traditional Residential Address Definition
Some budgetary units reside in remote areas or live in non-traditional locations. These are locations in which larger populations do not reside. Often, remote and non-traditional locations do not have a valid U.S. Postal Service residential mailing address. FAA requests these participants to provide directions and a description of their location.
Non-traditional Residential Address Example
Some budgetary units live in remote areas or non-traditional locations without a valid U.S. Postal Service mailing address. The participant can describe the place as much as possible by using any of the following methods:
A detailed description of the location like the following:
The second house west of the Smith Chicken farm with a tall pine tree in the front yard.
Going west on HWY 89, heading out of town on Skunk Creek road east of the tractor dealership, the Fourth house north on the right.
In the southeast corner of the public park by the picnic table at 5th street and 38th street.
A map may be drawn with north, south, east, and west directions with the names of highways, roads, streets, and distinguishing landmarks.
The participant may only provide longitude and latitude coordinates in the decimal format when readily available. For example, near Knoll Lake, at 34.42921,-111.101974, the black and white WildWood travel trailer.
Nonwork Time Definition
The following is considered nonwork time:
Before and after scheduled work hours
During lunch period
Time pre-approved by a supervisor or manager, including any of the following:
Annual leave
Sick Leave
Leave without pay
Flex time
Notice of Adverse Action (NOAA) Definition
A participant must receive a Notice of Adverse Action (NOAA) ten days before a decrease or termination of benefits, unless the action is listed as a reason that needs no notice or adequate notice.
See the appropriate monthly calendar in the AZTECS Monthly Production Schedule (AMPS) for the NOAA date.
(For additional notice requirements, see Advance Notice of Adverse Action, Adequate Notice, and No Notice.)
Numident Information Definition
Numident information is established by Social Security Administration (SSA) when an individual applies for a Social Security card. Numident information consists of all of the following:
Social Security Number (SSN)
Date of birth
Parent's name
Place of birth
Date the application for an SSN is filed
Nutrition Assistance Head of Household Definition
Nutrition Assistance Lead Participant Definition
The NA participant who is designated as the lead person. This participant is not necessarily the PI. (See NA Lead Participant Selection for more information.)
Nutrition Assistance Trafficking
NA trafficking may result from one or more of the following acts, or any attempt to complete one or more of the following acts:
Buying, selling, stealing or trading NA benefits for cash or anything other than eligible food.
Buying, selling, stealing or trading an EBT card and PIN number for cash or anything other than eligible food.
Buying food items with NA benefits with the plan of using, reselling or trading to obtain cash or anything other than eligible food. Then purposely using, reselling or trading the food items to obtain cash or anything other than eligible food.
NOTE This includes selling food or products made with items purchased with NA benefits.
Buying a product with NA benefits that has a container with a return deposit with the plan of discarding the product and returning the container for the deposit amount. Then purposely discarding the product and returning the container for the deposit amount.
Knowingly buying or trading items originally purchased with NA benefits for cash or anything other than eligible food.
NOTE This includes buying, selling or trading NA benefits and/or Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards in public or online through websites and social media such as Craigslist, Facebook, Twitter, eBay, etc.
NA trafficking is considered an Intentional Program Violation(g).