Revision 05 (07-01-08 through 09-30-08) : FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4.B03G - Gift Cards
Added subject regarding the treatment of gift cards to indicate that the cards are not countable as a liquid asset. (Policy Broadcast 08-16, effective 04/10/08)
Revised for clarity. Added link to the glossary term for severance pay
Revised for clarity.
Removed good faith effort to sell from MA policy.
FAA4.D03K.05 - Real Property - For Sale (CA)
Removed subject. Combined CA, FS, and MA MD policy.
Added subject. Combined CA, FS, and MA MD policy.
FAA4.D03K.06 - Real Property - For Sale (FS)
Removed subject. Combined CA, FS, and MA MD policy.
Added subject regarding CA six month exclusion to real property.
Revised for clarity.
Added definition of budgetary units that are not categorically eligible.
FAA4.H04Z – Gift Cards
Added subject regarding the treatment of gift cards to indicate that the cards are not countable as income
FAA4.H04III – Unemployment Insurance (UI)
Revised to reflect actual UI procedures now in place. The process date has been changed to issue date to reflect the HOSC field title. (Reference changed from FAA4.H04HHH) (Policy Broadcast 08-10a, effective 05/19/08)
FAA4.H04SSS - Workforce Investment Act (WIA)
Removed the WIA description and moved to the glossary. (Reference changed from FAA4.H04RRR)
FAA4.I03B.02 - Dependent Child Income - Under Age 18
Added requirement to verify school attendance.
FAA4.I03B.03 - Dependent Child Income – Age 18 and Over
Added that the child’s income is keyed on EAIC beginning the month following the month the child turns 18.
FAA4.I03O - Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Income
Reformatted for clarity. Added a link to the glossary.
FAA4.I03P.08 - Leave Pay
Removed severance pay from the list of leave pay types.
FAA4.I05D - Terminated Source of Income Verification
Added to verify the dates and amounts of leave pay received after employment is terminated. Added link to Leave Pay - No Longer Employed
FAA4.J07 – Self Employment Expenses
Warning box reformatted for clarity.
FAA4.J07A – Allowable Self Employment Expenses
Added link to verification process and bullet to list of allowable costs.
FAA4.J09 – Self Employment Verification
Moved link to verification process to first paragraph and removed from last paragraph. Revised for clarity.
FAA4.L04B.02 – FS Dependent Care
Revised the NOTE to state high school attendance is considered preparation for employment. (Policy Broadcast 08-21, effective 01/01/08)
FAA4.L10 – Expenses Exceed Income (EEI) - Overview
Revised for clarity. Added links to EEI at Interview and EEI During the Approval Period.
FAA4.L10A – Expenses Exceed Income (EEI) – At Interview
Added policy regarding actions to take when there is an EEI situation at the time of the interview.
FAA4.L10B – Expenses Exceed Income (EEI) – During the Approval Period
Added subject regarding when EEI exists during the approval period what should be done.