FAA1.C Rights and Responsibilities : 03 FAA Responsibilities : A Avoiding Fraud : .02 Reporting Potentially Fraudulent Activity
Reporting Potentially Fraudulent Activity
Information on this page refers to the Nutrition Assistance program Information on this page refers to the Cash Assistance program
This section contains information regarding reporting inappropriate, suspicious, or potentially fraudulent activity.
To report potentially fraudulent activity, including inappropriate and suspicious activity, see https://des.az.gov/how-do-i/report-suspected-fraud.
All instances where an employee, contractor, or volunteer is discovered or suspected of being involved in an inappropriate, suspicious, or potentially fraudulent activity must be reported.
All AZTECS, HEAplus, and OnBase(g) inquiries are recorded. Actions that display in a case in which there is a conflict of interest could be considered suspicious or potentially fraudulent activity.
Inappropriate, suspicious, or potentially fraudulent activity may be discovered while completing certain actions. Those actions include, and are not limited to, any of the following:
Viewing employee, contractor, or volunteer activity on a case
Registering or processing new or renewal applications
Working alerts or processing changes
Conducting case read activity
Discussion with or overhearing a discussion among employees, contractors, or volunteers
Information provided by a participant regarding their case or other cases
Observing an employee, contractor, or volunteer viewing a case that they have no official business reason to access
While conducting audits
A Division of Benefits and Medical Eligibility (DBME) employee, contractor, or volunteer must immediately verbally report any suspicious or potentially fraudulent activity to any of the following:
Office Manager
Region Program Manager (RPM)
Section Manager to include, and not limited to, any of the following:
Research and Analysis (R&A)
FAA Systems
DBME HR Operations
Employee Fraud Hotline
When the activity involves available physical evidence, the evidence must be secured and provided to appropriate management at the time the verbal report is made.
The employee, contractor, or volunteer must send an email after the verbal report to their direct Supervisor or Section Manager reporting the incident. The email must be sent no later than the first workday(g) following the verbal report and must include a description of the suspicious or potentially fraudulent activity.
The following paragraph contains important information!!Arizona Revised Statute §41-1959 makes the release of confidential information a Class 2 Misdemeanor. Disciplinary action is taken when it is found that an employee, contractor, or volunteer has misused or inappropriately released case information. Disciplinary action may include suspension, dismissal, and prosecution.
Management Reporting Responsibilities for Suspicious or Fraudulent Activity
The Supervisor or Section manager must immediately report the suspicious or potentially fraudulent activity, to their Region Program Manager (RPM), Program Administrator, or other designated staff.
The email from the initiating employee to the office manager, supervisor, or other designated staff must be forwarded no later than the following workday(g) to the RPM or PA, copying the FAA Benefits Team Manager.
Any physical evidence provided by the initiating employee must be secured in a safe place until a direction is received. The office of the Program Administrator or the Assistant Director reviews the information and provides guidance to any of the following for additional or necessary actions required:
FAA office manager
Section manager
Designated staff
Legal Authorities
last revised12/26/2023