FAA6.E Overpayments : 03 Overpayment Unit Overpayment Responsibilities - Overview : F NA Overpayment Compromise – Overview : .06 NA Overpayment Compromise – Compromise Determination - Compromise Household Groups
NA Overpayment Compromise – Compromise Determination - Compromise Household Groups
(01/01/24 - 12/31/24)
There are two compromise household groups used to determine the NA compromise. The groups are as follows:
Group one is when the only source of countable income is Supplemental Security Income (SSI), TANF or any combination of SSI Benefits and TANF.
When these are the only sources of income, the expenses section of the NUTRITION ASSISTANCE COMPROMISE REQUEST FOR INCOME/EXPENSES STATEMENT does not have to be completed.
The person who requested the compromise can sign and return the NUTRITION ASSISTANCE COMPROMISE REQUEST FOR INCOME/EXPENSES STATEMENT with verification of income when previous verification has not been provided.
When the compromise household is identified as group one, the person responsible to pay the overpayment qualifies to have the full remaining balance of the NA overpayment compromised. No further verification is required. The OFFER OF COMPROMISE AGREEMENT is sent.
Group two is when the source(s) of income is as follows:
Unearned income(g) from sources other than group one
A combination of group one AND group two income