Revision 49 (01-01-21 through 12-31-21) : FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA4 Financial Eligibility Factors
Included credit union checking accounts policy and added additional clarifying language. (Effective 08/09/2021)
Revised procedure from faxing the court order to emailing the court order to the PST. (Effective 07/26/2021)
FAA4.A05C – Credit Union Accounts
Removed entire subject. Added this policy to Personal Checking Accounts. (Effective 08/09/2021)
Revised to explain the purpose of an IDA and moved the rule out of the exception box. Added that both CA and NA must be active when determining whether an IDA is not countable as resource. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/01/2021)
FAA4.A05D.01 – Individual Development Account (IDA) - Requirements
Removed entire section. There is no longer an agreement with Bank of America for opening IDAs. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/01/2021)
FAA4.A05D.02 – Individual Development Account (IDA) - Screening for Eligibility
Removed entire section. There is no longer an agreement with Bank of America for opening IDAs. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/01/2021)
FAA4.A05D.03 – Opening an Individual Development Account (IDA)
Removed entire section. There is no longer an agreement with Bank of America for opening IDAs. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/01/2021)
Changed title from Monitoring the Individual Development Account (IDA). Revised this section to address requirements for renewals. Monitoring of IDAs during the approval period is not required. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/01/2021)
FAA4.A05D.13 – Individual Development Account (IDA) Status Changes – Notifying Bank of America
Removed entire section. There is no longer an agreement with Bank of America, this section is no longer applicable. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/01/2021)
FAA4.A05H – Savings Accounts
Archived 08/09/2021
Archived 12/20/2021
Added policy regarding Credit Union accounts. (Effective 08/09/2021) Combined AZTECS keying directions for the Financial Accounts screen (FIAC) into a bulleted list. Added a link to the treatment of funds deposited into or withdrawn from ABLE accounts. (Effective Date: Policy was clarified as of 12/20/2021)
FAA4.B03C – Cash
Expanded to include references to prepaid cards, Electronic Pay Cards, and sources of verification for cards that are not linked to a bank or credit union account. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 06/01/2021)
New Policy
Added new reference. (Effective for determinations completed on or after 10/12/2021)
FAA4.B03F – Debit Cards
New Policy
Added new reference to clarify how these types of cards are to be treated. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 06/01/2021)
FAA4.B03I – Electronic Pay Cards
New Policy
Added new reference to clarify how these types of cards are to be treated. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 06/01/2021)
FAA4.B03S – Prepaid Cards
New Policy
Added new reference to clarify how to treat funds on these types of cards. (Effective with all interviews completed on or after 06/01/2021)
Updated subject title and added policy for State tax refunds and Child Tax Credits, treatment as a resource. (For all Eligibility Determinations Completed on or after 06/07/2021)
FAA4.F02A – NA Resources
Added information about lottery or gambling winnings. (Effective with all applications received on or after 08/30/2021)
FAA4.G04E.04 – NA Student Eligibility-Exemptions
Removed Warning and clarified caretaker exemption eligibility requirements when there are multiple students. (Effective for all applications received on or after 02/01/2021)
FAA4.HO3CCC – Lottery or Gambling Winnings
Added detailed information regarding lottery or gambling winnings and updated policy title. (Effective with all applications received on or after 08/30/2021)
FAA4.H03E.04 – CA Sanction Income
Added the associated OnBase FAA-1523A Personal Responsibility Agreement Unity form and the A026 notice as options for compliance. (Effective 03/01/2021)
FAA4.H03E.08 – Supplemental Security Income
Clarified documentation requirements when using net income and provided examples. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/11/2021)
FAA4.H03E.18 – Nutrition Assistance Program
Revised due to discrepancy in budgeting income and updated policy that Puerto Rico no longer gives cash benefits for NAP. (Effective 01/11/2021)
FAA4.H03E.19 – Unemployment Insurance (UI)
Archived 03/01/2021
Archived 03/22/2021
Archived 04/19/2021
Added Railroad Retirement Board Unemployment Insurance income keying information. (Effective with all determinations completed on or after 03/01/2021). Added minors receiving UI information. (Effective for all applications received on or after 03/22/2021.) Added Mixed Earners Unemployment Compensation (MEUC) information. (Effective 04/19/2021)
FAA4.H03E.22 – Emergency Rental Assistance Program
New Policy
Added new policy for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program. (Effective with all applications received on or after 02/23/2021)
FAA4.H03E.23 – Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) Payments
New Policy
Added new reference for RCA payments under types of Unearned Income. (Effective with all applications received on or after 07/15/2021)
FAA4.H03E.24 – TANF Differential Payment
New Policy
Added new reference for TANF Differential Payments under types of Unearned Income. (Effective with all applications received on or after 07/15/2021)
FAA4.H03E.25 – Utility Assistance Program
New Policy
Added a new policy reference regarding the new Utility Assistance Program. (Effective with all applications received on or after 06/16/2021)
FAA4.H03AA – Interest Payments
Archived 08/09/2021
Archived 10/12/2021
Separated policy for NA and CA. Added that for NA, interest deposited directly to the participant’s account and left on deposit or converted into additional securities is countable as unearned income. (Effective 08/09/2021). Expanded on what is considered an interest payment, how they are received and what types of accounts accrue interest. Added information regarding interest received on cryptocurrency. (Effective for determinations completed on or after 10/12/2021)
FAA4.H03LL – Railroad Retirement Board (RRB)
Updated title with RRB for Railroad Retirement Board. Added two additional types of RRB Income and keying information. (Effective with all determinations completed on or after 03/01/2021)
FAA4.H03TT – Social Security Administration (SSA) Benefits
Clarified documentation requirements when using net income and provided examples. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/11/2021)
FAA4.H03XX – Federal and State Tax Refunds – Child Tax Credit – Unearned Income
Changed the title for the subject to add the treatment for State tax refunds and Child Tax Credits as unearned income. (For all Eligibility Determinations Completed on or after 06/07/2021)
FAA4.H03HHH – Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Savings Accounts
New Policy
Added a new reference to include information on funds received from Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) savings accounts. Added that the funds from these accounts are not countable and that ABLE accounts contain funds in a plan or contract that meet the requirements in Section 529A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. (Effective Date: Policy was clarified as of 12/20/2021)
FAA4.H05 – Budgeting Child, Medical, and Spousal Support
Added SRP-MIC TANF child support income. Added that 50% of child support that has been garnished from an Indian Gaming per capita disbursement and passed through to the participant is not countable towards the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community TANF budgetary unit. Revised for CNAP+ formatting. (Effective for all applications received on or after 09/20/2021)
FAA4.H06 – Budgeting Unearned Income - Overview
Clarified documentation requirements when using net income and provided examples. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/11/2021)
FAA4.I03A – Census Income
New Policy
Added new reference to reinstate census policy due to Post Enumeration Survey. (Effective the benefit month of 02/2021 through 10/2021)
FAA4.I03L– Training Related Expense Income
Added verification of the TRE reimbursement payment and moved WARNING to a note. (Effective for all eligibility determinations completed on or after 02/22/2021)
FAA4.I03R.01 – Gross Wages and Salaries
Added information regarding wages paid that were received in the form of cryptocurrency. (Effective for determinations completed on or after 10/12/2021)
FAA4.I03R.09 – Leave Pay – Still Employed
Added verbiage regarding how to key Railroad Sickness Insurance for participants who are still employed. (Effective with all determinations completed on or after 03/01/2021)
FAA4.I05A – Sources of Earned Income Verification
Archived 01/11/2021
Archived 12/27/2021
Updated name of VerifyDirect to Verify Advantage. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/11/2021) Added information on Third-Party Payroll Verification Sources regarding when they can be used. Removed examples of Third-Party Payroll Verification Sources and added them to the new definition reference. (Policy was clarified effective 12/27/2021)
FAA4.I06 – Budgeting Earned Income - Overview
Clarified documentation requirements when using net income and provided examples. (Effective for all applications received on or after 01/11/2021)
FAA4.J05U – Virtual Currency Mining
New Policy
Added new reference. (Effective for determinations completed on or after 10/12/2021)
FAA4.J06F – Capital Gains
Added information regarding cryptocurrency. (Effective for determinations completed on or after 10/12/2021)
FAA4.K04C – NA Medical Expenses
Removed the Budgeting Expenses link because it goes to various expenses. Added links to new examples. Added the SMD of $160 and when the expenses should be verified. (Effective with all determinations completed for the benefit month of 10/2021 and ongoing)
FAA4.K04C.01 – Participants Eligible for NA Medical Expenses
Added that households with elderly participants or participants with a disability may receive the SMD or actual medical expenses. Added when the medical expenses need to be verified. (Effective with all determinations completed for the benefit month of 10/2021 and ongoing)
FAA4.K07E – NA Medical Insurance Premiums
Rearranged order of policy removed warning and exception box but used the verbiage for the policy, corrected punctuation error. (Effective for all eligibility determinations made on or after 01/11/2021)
FAA4.K07I – NA Medicare Premiums
Removed exception box. Rearranged the order of policy. Added information about SOLQI and added a link for SOLQI and added a link to BDXI. (Effective for all eligibility determinations made on or after 01/11/2021)
FAA4.K07J – NA Medication and Prescriptions
Added online and shipping and handling. Rearranged the order of policy. Removed the exception box and used the verbiage for the policy. (Effective for all eligibility determinations made on or after 01/11/2021)
FAA4.K09G – Telephone Expense
Archived 04/19/2021
Archived 12/20/2021
Added directions to determine whether a telephone expense obligation remains after discounts. (Effective with all applications received on or after 04/19/2021) Updated the wording to add clarity to the documentation required to verify the cell phone service carrier. (Effective 12/20/2021)
FAA4.K11A.03 – NA Medical Expense Verification
Updated the title from medical expense verification and removed the CA Exception. Added when medical expenses must be verified. (Effective with all determinations completed for the benefit month of 10/2021 and ongoing)
FAA4.K13A – NA Medical Expense Changes
Updated the policy for renewals and changes. Added that changes in medical expenses that are reported during an NA approval period or at renewal must be verified only when the medical expense is questionable or unclear. (Effective with all determinations completed for the benefit month of 10/2021 and ongoing)