Resources - Effecting Changes
This section includes information about what happens when a change in resources is reported.
For the budgetary units subject to Standard Reporting any of the following resources must be reported:
●For NA, changes in liquid resources must be reported only when the total value equals or exceeds the resource limit. The gain of a licensed vehicle must also be reported.
●For CA, all changes in resources must be reported.
Changes to resources are not required for budgetary units subject to Simplified Reporting.
For standard change procedures and guidelines regarding the appropriate month to effect the change, see
When to Effect Changes.
Using the guidelines in the policy, key the appropriate screens in AZTECS and redetermine eligibility and the current benefit level for the appropriate month.
See any of the following links to policy and procedures specific to resources when needed:
The participant has the primary responsibility for providing verification. (See
Participant Responsibilities – Providing Verification for additional policy.)
For NA, resource verification is not required unless the participant’s statement is questionable or unclear and it affects eligibility or benefit level.
For CA, the value of all countable resources must be verified. See any of the following for verification requirements:
AZTECS Keying Procedures
Financial Accounts
FIAC is used to key and update information on all types of financial accounts regardless of participation code. AZTECS counts or does not count the value of the keyed financial account of each participant. Complete all of the following when adding a new financial account.
●Key the name of the bank, credit union, or other financial institution next to the participant who owns the account. For joint financial accounts, key account information next to each owner and key a key Y in the JOINT field.
●In the ACCT TYPE field, key the appropriate type of financial account. For resources belonging to SSI recipients key OX.
●Key the current balance of the account in the AMOUNT field. For joint accounts, divide the balance equally among co-owners.
●In the VR field, key the appropriate verification code.
●In the MORE ACCOUNTS field, key a Y when more financial accounts need to be keyed. Press ENTER and a new FIAC screen will display.
●In the MORE CLIENTS field, key a Y when the case has additional participants that are not shown on the screen. Press Enter to view FIAC for those participants.
Liquid Assets
LIAS is used to key participant liquid asset resource information. (See Liquid Asset Types) AZTECS counts or does not count the value of the keyed liquid asset of each participant. Complete all of the following when adding liquid assets:
●In the TY field, key the type of liquid asset type code owned by the participant. For resources belonging to SSI recipients key OX.
●In the VALUE field, key the amount of the liquid asset.
●In the VR field, key the verification code that describes how the amount of the liquid asset was verified.
●In the MORE ASSETS field, key Y when more liquid assets need to be keyed for the participants listed on the screen. Press Enter and a new LIAS screen will display.
●In the MORE CLIENTS field, key a Y when the case has additional participants that are not shown on the screen. Press Enter to view LIAS for those participants.
VEHI is used to key and update information on vehicles any participant may have available regardless of participation code. Key all of the following fields in VEHI when adding a vehicle:
●In the JOINT OWNR field, key the position numbers of co-owners living in the home. For jointly owned vehicles, key vehicle information next to one owner.
●CURR MKT VALUE - key the current market value of each vehicle as reported by the participant, or the Trade-In value listed on the Kelley Blue Book (KBB) website.
●In the VR field, key the appropriate verification code.
●In the MORE VEHICLES field, key Y when more vehicles need to be keyed for the participants listed on the screen. Press Enter and a new VEHI screen will display.
●In the MORE CLIENTS field a Y displays when the case has additional participants that are not shown on the screen. Press Enter to view VEHI for those participants.
Other Assets
OTAS is used to key and update information on other assets a participant may have available regardless of participation code. Complete all of the following when any participant reports an asset not keyed on the prior resource screens.
●In the TY field, key the type of asset by the appropriate owner. For resources belonging to SSI recipients key OX.
●In the MARKET VALUE field, key the current market value of the asset.
●In the EQUITY field, key the amount of equity the owner has in the asset. Equity equals the current market value less the amount owed.
●In the VR field, key the appropriate verification code.
●In the MORE ASSETS field, key Y when more assets need to be keyed for the participants listed on the screen. Press ENTER and a new OTAS screen will display.
●In the MORE CLIENTS field, Y displays when the case has additional participants that are not shown on the screen. Press ENTER to view OTAS for those participants.
Legal Authorities
7 CFR 273.12(a)(1)(v)
AAC R6-12-401
AAC R6-12-402
AAC R6-12-403
AAC R6-12-405
ARS 46-207.C
7 CFR 273.8
45 CFR 233.20
last revised 08/30/2021