FAA6.A Changes : 03 Effecting Changes : I Marital Status - Effecting Changes
Marital Status - Effecting Changes
Information on this page refers to the Cash Assistance program
This section includes information about what happens when there is a change in marital status.
Legally married participants are financially responsible for each other. Their income and resources are used in the eligibility determination.
Marital status is only a change reporting requirement for CA budgetary units assigned Standard Reporting. Marital status is not a change reporting requirement for NA or Simplified Reporting.
When a change is reported in the marital status of a participant, whether it is married, separated, widowed or divorced, complete all of the following steps:
Review the case so any differences may be addressed
Add the Spouse when they are not already in the case
Key the new Marital Status Code in the MAR STA field
Key the appropriate codes on the appropriate AZTECS Screens
Update the case with new information
Redetermine eligibility for all participants allowing for NOAA
Send appropriate notices
Set alerts when needed for follow-up information
When the change in marital status also includes a change of participants in the household, see Participants Living in the Household - Effecting Changes for additional procedures.
The participant has the primary responsibility for providing verification. (See Participant Responsibilities – Providing Verification for additional policy.)
Marital status must be verified when any of the following apply:
When change in marital status is questionable(g)
Married Minor Parents must verify that they are married or have been married.
Any of the following are examples of documents that may be used to verify marital status:
Divorce decree
Insurance record
Legal annulment documents
Marriage license
Navajo Nation Family Court decree validating a Navajo common law marriage
Other records indicating that a participant was or is married
Religious records
Separation papers
Tribal records
AZTECS Keying Procedures
When there is a change in the marital status of a budgetary unit member one or more of the following must be keyed in AZTECS:
On SEPA change the REL field to appropriate relationship to the PI(g) for all members involved
On SEPA update the SP POS field for the couple that changes their marital status
On MAST change the MAR STA for the couple that changes their marital status
Legal Authorities
last revised 08/30/2021