Glossary Terms Beginning with Q
Definitions for words starting with Q are listed on this page. Take the link above or scroll down to the glossary term.
Questionable Information Definition
Consider the information or verification provided by the budgetary unit as questionable when it is inconsistent with any of the following:
Written or verbal statements made by the budgetary unit or by a third-party source(g)
Information on the current or previous applications
Information available in the case file(g)
Consider the information or verification provided by a participant as questionable when it appears to be altered or fraudulent.
Questionable information or verification is resolved before determining eligibility.
For more information on handling questionable verification, see the procedures in Providing Verification.
Questionable Information Example
Jane's daughter, Judy, receives SSA benefits due to her father being disabled. Jane reports that Judy is receiving SSA, but does not report SSA income for Judy's sister, Jean. Judy and Jean have the same father. Judy's SSA benefits are listed on ININ, while Jean's ININ screens are blank.
Frequently, when one child or spouse receives SSA as the beneficiary of a deceased, retired or disabled person, other related participants also receive these benefits.
It is not uncommon for information of this nature to be displayed on ININ for some participants and not others. This is considered questionable information and requires further investigation.