Glossary Terms Beginning with M
Definitions for words starting with M are listed on this page. Take the link above or scroll down to the glossary term.
Medical Provider Definition
A medical provider for program purposes is a doctor who provides a certification of a diagnosis or prognosis for a participant. The medical provider must meet all of the following requirements:
A physician recognized by the Arizona Revised Statutes
Licensed to practice in the State of Arizona
The term medical provider is limited to any of the following:
Medical Doctors (MD)
Doctors of Osteopathy (DO)
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Board Certified Psychologists
Physician's Assistant who has a dependent relationship with a licensed physician
Nurse Practitioner
Social Worker
Medicare Definition
Medicare is an insurance program for persons age 65 and over or disabled for at least two years, who meet the eligibility requirements under Title II of the Social Security Act. The Medicare program is administered by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services and eligibility is determined by the Social Security Administration.
Medicare provides insurance coverage as follows:
Medicare Part A
Medicare Part B
Medicare Part D
Participants who are currently covered by Medicare Part A, B, or D may apply and be determined eligible for MA when they meet MA eligibility factors. (See the Medical Assistance Eligibility Policy Manual)
Medically Qualified Source Definition
Any medically qualified source may provide documentation supporting mental or physical unfitness for work for the ABAWD and NA work requirements exemption.
For program purposes, any doctor who certifies participants as disabled must meet both of the following requirements:
A physician recognized by the Arizona Revised Statutes
Licensed to practice in the State of Arizona
The term medically qualified source is limited to all of the following:
Medical Doctors (MD)
Doctors of Osteopathy (DO)
Doctors of Naturopathic Medicine
Board Certified Psychologists
Physician's Assistant who has a dependent relationship with a licensed physician
Nurse Practitioner
Social Worker
Minimum Wage Federal and State Definition
Effective 01/01/2024, the Minimum Wage amounts are as follows:
Federal Minimum Wage $7.25 per hour
Arizona Minimum Wage $14.35 per hour
Arizona allows employers to pay a tipped worker(g) $3.00 per hour less than the Arizona minimum wage.
City of Flagstaff
Effective 01/01/2024, the minimum wage amounts are as follows:
$17.40 per hour for non-tipped workers
$15.90 per hour for tipped workers
NOTE Future minimum wage for the City of Flagstaff is set to increase every January based on the Consumer Price Index or $2.00 above the State of Arizona minimum wage, whichever is higher. Minimum wage for tipped workers is set to be the same as non-tipped workers as of 01/01/2026.
City of Tucson
Effective 01/01/2024, the minimum wage amount is as follows:
$14.35 per hour for non-tipped workers.
The city of Tucson follows the Arizona guideline above, that states, employers can pay a tipped worker $3.00 per hour less than the Arizona minimum wage.
Future minimum wage for Tucson is set for the following:
$15.00 by 01/01/2025.
To increase by the rate of inflation rounded to the nearest multiple of $0.05 every January thereafter unless a higher State or Federal minimum wage overrides these rates.