Income Budgeting Frequency Codes
This subject includes AZTECS Frequency Codes that AZTECS uses to convert pay into monthly income and how to manually convert pay into monthly income.
AZTECS Income Screens
Income received more often than monthly must be converted to a monthly amount using a Frequency Code. Key the appropriate Frequency Code on the income work screen to convert the income to a monthly amount.
NOTE Do not convert child, medical, and spousal support payments. Child, medical, and spousal support payments must be keyed as a monthly amount using the MO Frequency Code.
The income frequency codes for each type of income are keyed in AZTECS on one of the following screens:
●Earned income considered
self-employment(g) is keyed on the SEEI income monthly screen when the income is received monthly. When the income is received other than monthly, the amount is keyed on the SEEW.
●Educational income is keyed on the UNIE income monthly screen when the income is received monthly. When the income is received other than monthly, the amount is keyed on the EDWO.
●Unearned income is keyed on the UNIN income monthly screen when the income is received monthly. When the income is received other than monthly, the amount is keyed on the UNIC.
●Earned income received as wages, salaries, or profit is keyed on the EAIC income work screen when the income is received monthly and when the income is received other than monthly.
NOTE Do not key monthly income on EAIN. All earned income that is not self-employment must be keyed on EAIC.
To access an income work screen, key Y in the WS field on the monthly income screen and press the ENTER key. After keying the information on the income work screen, press the ENTER key to return to the monthly income screen. AZTECS processes the income work screen and displays the converted income on the monthly income screen.
AZTECS Frequency Codes
Key one of the following Frequency Codes in the FREQ field on the appropriate income work screen (i.e., EAIC, EDWO, SEEW, UNIC) to convert the income into a monthly amount:
●WK when paid on a weekly basis. AZTECS converts the amount to a monthly amount by multiplying the amount keyed by the conversion factor of 4.3.
NOTE AZTECS does not have a conversion factor for daily. When the participant has daily pay with a consistent weekly frequency, manually add the budget amount for each day of a calendar week and key that amount using the WK Frequency Code. Drop the third number after the decimal point, when needed. When there is no consistent frequency, see
Budgeting Odd Jobs for guidance.
●BW when paid on a bi-weekly basis (every two weeks). AZTECS converts the amount to a monthly amount by multiplying the amount keyed by the conversion factor of 2.15.
●SM when paid on a semi-monthly basis (twice a month). AZTECS converts the amount to a monthly amount by multiplying the amount keyed by the conversion factor of 2.
●MO when paid on a monthly basis. AZTECS converts the amount to a monthly amount by multiplying the amount keyed by the conversion factor of 1.
NOTE AZTECS does not have a conversion factor for bi-monthly (every two months). When the participant is paid bi-monthly, divide the bi-monthly budget amount by two and key that amount using the MO Frequency Code. Drop the third number after the decimal point, when needed.
●QR when paid on a quarterly basis (four times per year). AZTECS converts the amount to a monthly amount by dividing the amount keyed by the conversion factor of 3.
●SE when paid on a semi-annual basis (twice per year). AZTECS converts the amount to a monthly amount by dividing the amount keyed by the conversion factor of 6.
●AN when paid on an annual basis (once per year). AZTECS converts the amount to a monthly amount by dividing the amount keyed by the conversion factor of 12.
NOTE Key the income, without converting the income, using the AC Frequency Code on the income work screen for the month received when any of the following situations occur:
●There is less than a full month's income in the last month of terminated income received.
●Income is received or expected to be received each day (known as day wages, daily labor, or inconsistent income).
AZTECS completes all of the following when converting income keyed on the income work screen:
●Totals the countable income.
●Divides the total by the number of pay periods entered on the screen to arrive at an average income per pay period.
●Drops the third number after the decimal point.
●Multiplies the amount by the keyed Frequency Code’s conversion factor as listed above.
Manual Frequency Conversion
To manually convert income received more often than monthly, complete
all of the following for each
income source(g):
●Add all countable income received during the income period.
●Divide the total gross income by the number of pay periods in the income period used. This amount is the average gross amount per pay period.
NOTE When the average gross amount per pay period includes a decimal amount with more than two numbers, drop the third number after the decimal point.
●Multiply the average gross amount per pay period by the appropriate conversion factor. This amount is the monthly gross income.
NOTE Do not convert child, medical, and spousal support payments. Child, medical, and spousal support payments must be keyed as a monthly amount using the MO Frequency Code.
last revised 05/13/2024 effective 05/21/2024