LIBL/STBL Hardship Extension - Overview
(01/01/23 - 12/31/23)
In order for the participant to qualify for an LIBL or STBL hardship(g) extension, the hardship must prevent any of the following participants from supporting the budgetary unit independent of CA:
Spouse(g) of the PI
Any adult who is living in the home and is financially responsible for the dependent child
NOTE LIBL/STBL extensions do not apply to Tribal TANF Programs.
The CA budgetary unit may be eligible for the hardship extension when all of the following apply:
The budgetary unit has received 60 countable months of CA for LIBL or 12 countable months of CA for STBL
The PI or their spouse requests an extension verbally or in writing
The PI or their spouse establishes a hardship extension reason
The PI, their spouse, and any other adult when the adult is in the budgetary unit, are currently in compliance with the following requirements:
NOTE There is no limit to the number of times a participant can apply for and be approved for a hardship extension.
After a budgetary unit receives the maximum countable months of CA for LIBL or STBL requirements, a hardship extension may be approved when one of the following hardship extension reasons apply:
The budgetary unit includes a nonparent caretaker relative(g) (NPSR). For additional hardship eligibility requirements see NPSR Hardship Extension Eligibility.
The budgetary unit includes an adult participant that has one of the following:
The budgetary unit includes an adult participant needed as a full time caretaker of their disabled adult or minor child, parent, spouse, or domestic partner(g), and there is no other caretaker available. For additional hardship eligibility requirements see Caretaker Hardship Extension Eligibility.
A participant is a victim of one of the following types of violence:
Victim of crime
Victim of domestic violence
Victim of other violence
For additional hardship eligibility requirements see Victim of Violence Hardship Extension Eligibility.
The PI, spouse of the PI, or other adult in the home who is financially responsible for the dependent child is homeless(g). For additional hardship eligibility requirements see Homeless Hardship Extension Eligibility.
The PI, spouse of the PI, or other adult in the home who is financially responsible for the dependent child is unable to complete their educational or training program without CA. For additional hardship eligibility requirements see Training Hardship Extension Eligibility.
The PI, spouse of the PI, or other adult in the home who is financially responsible for the dependent child cannot find or afford childcare, preventing them from working or engaging in work activities. For additional hardship eligibility requirements see Child Care Hardship Extension Eligibility.
The PI, spouse of the PI, or other adult in the home who is financially responsible for the dependent child does not have readily available or affordable transportation in their area preventing them from working or engaging in work activities. For additional hardship eligibility requirements see Transportation Hardship Extension Eligibility.
The PI, spouse of the PI, or other adult in the home who is financially responsible for the dependent child requires additional time and work program services to support the budgetary unit independent of CA. For additional hardship eligibility requirements see, Time Limit Extension Eligibility.
NOTE Time Limit Extensions apply to STBL but are only considered a hardship extension for LIBL.
The PI, spouse of the PI, or other adult in the home who is financially responsible for the dependent child has another hardship extension reason that prevents the participant from working or engaging in work activities. For additional hardship eligibility requirements see Other Hardship Extension Eligibility.
NOTE The hardship must prevent the participant or their spouse or another adult in the home who is financially responsible for the dependent child from supporting the budgetary unit independent of CA.
A claim of hardship based solely on the inability to be legally employed in the United States due to federal immigration status requirements is not a valid hardship.