Nonparent Caretaker Relative (NPCR) Definition
A nonparent may receive CA for a dependent child or for themselves, when related to the dependent child as a nonparent caretaker relative (NPCR). NPCRs include the following:
●Relatives related by blood, adoption, or marriage, which include the following:
Sibling (sister; brother)
Grandparent (grandmother; grandfather; great, great-great, and great-great-great grandparent)
Cousin (first cousin; first cousin once removed)
Relative (other than grandparent) of prior generation with the prefix grand, great, or great-great
●Stepparent (stepmother, stepfather)
NOTE The parent of a stepparent cannot be an NPCR. (See Example
Parent of Stepparent)
●Stepsibling (stepsister, stepbrother)
●Spouse(g) of an NPCR, even when the marriage has been terminated by death or divorce
●An unrelated adult when a child in the legal custody of DCS, Tribal court, or a Tribal welfare agency has been placed in the care of the unrelated adult. These unrelated adults meet the
caretaker relative requirement. (See
DCS or Tribal Placement Provider.)
●For CA only, a nonrelative
Legal Permanent Guardian (LPG), when the LPG has been appointed LPG by any court, during one of the following:
A dependency hearing
A dependency proceeding