CA PRA Graduated Sanctions
(01/01/17 – 12/31/17)
When a participant fails to comply with the requirements of the CA PRA, the case may be subject to graduated sanctions.
Graduated sanctions consist of two levels of benefit reductions. The graduated sanction may or may not be in consecutive months. A 100% benefit reduction sanction results in case closure.
Graduated sanctions are cumulative for all participants and all occurrences of CA PRA program noncompliance.
Each sanction that is imposed must last a minimum of one month.
The two levels of sanctions are as follows:
For the first occurrence of noncompliance, AZTECS reduces the total cash benefit by 50%.
For the second and any subsequent occurrence of noncompliance, AZTECS stops benefits and the CA case is closed.
Sanctions imposed in another state or by an Arizona Tribal TANF Program operating its own CA program are not countable when either of the following occurs:
The participant moves to Arizona and is approved for CA benefits.
The participant moves from a Tribal TANF Program service delivery area in which CA eligibility was not determined in AZTECS and is approved for FAA CA benefits. (See Tribal TANF Programs)
Instances of noncompliance may be separated by months of compliance when any of the following occurs:
The participant recomplies.
A Jobs Program notification of continued noncompliance has not been received by the last day to request an NOAA for the current sanction month.
The case was closed due to the 100% sanction for Jobs Program noncompliance. When the participant reapplies after serving the sanction month, end the Jobs Program sanction on DISA.
The case was closed for reasons other than the sanction process and the participant turns in an application.