ABAWD Time Limits and Work Requirements
This subject includes information about NA Able Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWD) time limits and work requirements.
This policy is effective for all eligibility determinations completed on or after 08/30/2024. For eligibility determinations completed on or after 08/30/2024 follow the information on the
Urgent Bulletin emailed 08/29/2024 until further notice.
Able Bodied Adult Without Dependents(g) (ABAWD) time limit applies to NA participants who do not meet an exemption or the ABAWD work requirement. These participants are limited to three full months of NA benefits in a fixed three-year period. The ABAWD three-year period is the same three years for all NA budgetary units in Arizona. The current three-year period began on 01/01/2022 and ends on 12/31/2024. (See
Example 1)
Months from other states that have implemented ABAWD time limits are countable when received during the three-year period.
NOTE All months before 07/2023 are not countable due to the federal suspension of the ABAWD time limits as a result of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act.
When an NA participant does not meet an ABAWD exemption or the ABAWD work requirement, benefit months count towards the three-month time limit.
An ABAWD participant may receive more than three months of NA benefits, during a three-year period when the participant meets any of the following:
●An NA work requirement exemption
●An ABAWD exemption
●The ABAWD work requirements
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ABAWD Time Limits
When an NA Able Bodied Adult Without Dependents (ABAWD) participant does not meet an exemption or the ABAWD work requirement they are subject to the ABAWD time limits and benefit months count towards the three-month time limit.
NOTE When benefits are prorated in a month, the month does not count toward the ABAWD three-month limit.
When the three-year period ends the ABAWD countable months reset to zero, starting in the first month of the new three-year period.
NOTE During the ABAWD time limit waiver, the ABAWD participant can receive more than three months of NA benefits.
When a participant subject to the ABAWD time limits is receiving NA benefits and reaches the three-month limit, one of the following occur:
●When the participant is the only member of the case all of the following applies:
The case is closed.
A notice is mailed to the budgetary unit explaining the ABAWD time limit was reached and how to qualify for additional NA benefits.
●When the participant is included in a budgetary unit with other non-ABAWD participants, all of the following applies:
The participant is disqualified.
A notice is mailed to the budgetary unit explaining the ABAWD time limit was reached, who reached the time limit, and how they may qualify for additional NA benefits. The notice includes details on the change to the NA benefit amount, due to the disqualification.
The ABAWD time limit does not apply to participants who meet any of the following exemptions:
●17 years of age or younger.
●55 years of age or older.
●Mentally or physically unfit for work.
●Residing in an NA budgetary unit where a participant is age 17 or younger.
NOTE When a participant resides with a minor child, the minor is not required to be eligible for NA benefits but is required to be included in the same budgetary unit. This exemption applies through the month in which the minor turns 18.
●Veteran who served in the United States Armed Forces, regardless of discharge or release status.
●Former foster care youth 24 years of age or younger who were in the custody of
foster care(g) when they turned age 18. When the foster care program allows for continued care past age 18, consider that age when determining whether the child was in foster care when they reached the maximum age for continued care.
●Geographical Exemption, when living in an area that is exempt from the ABAWD time limit.
(For more detailed information about exemptions, see
ABAWD Exemptions.)
ABAWD Work Requirements
NA participants subject to the ABAWD time limit are required to meet the ABAWD work requirements to receive NA benefits beyond the three-month time limit. An ABAWD can meet the work requirement by doing any of the following:
●Working at least 20 hours per week (or an average of 80 hours per month). This includes self-employment, paid work, in-kind, and volunteer unpaid work, or any combination of these activities.
●Participating in and complying with one of the following work programs at least 20 hours per week:
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Career Advancement Network (SNAP CAN) program, other than a job search or a job search training program.
NOTE The program may contain job search or job search training as a subsidiary component when the component is less than half of the required 20 hours per week.
Workforce Investment Opportunities Act (WIOA) Program or any component of WIOA.
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Act.
An employment and training program for veterans offered by one of the following:
●Department of Labor
●Department of Veterans Affairs
●Any combination of working and participating in a work program for at least 20 hours per week.
An ABAWD participant who is exempt or meets the ABAWD work requirements can still participate in the SNAP CAN program. FAA determines whether the ABAWD is appropriate to refer to SNAP CAN. See
SNAP CAN for more information.
ABAWD Good Cause
An ABAWD participant is determined to have good cause for not meeting the ABAWD work requirement when, due to circumstances beyond the control of the participant, the participant missed work, but would have worked an average of at least 20 hours per week, or an average of 80 hours per month. Good cause for not meeting the ABAWD work requirement could include, and is not limited to, any of the following:
●Illness of other household members, requiring the presence of the participant
●Household emergency
●Unavailability of transportation
(For additional good cause reasons, see
NA Work Requirements Good Cause Reasons.)
ABAWD Reporting Requirements
NA budgetary units with ABAWD participants are assigned to Simplified Reporting requirements. The budgetary unit is also required to report when the work hours of the ABAWD participant drop below 20 per week, or an average of 80 per month.
For each participant, complete all of the following:
●Check whether an asterisk is next to the participant’s name on WERE.
When there is an asterisk, complete the TI-BEGIN field on CODF. (See
TI-BEGIN Date for AZTECS keying procedures.)
When there is no asterisk, review the countable months displayed on CODF for the participant to determine whether the participant has reached the ABAWD three countable months’ time limit. (See
Tracking ABAWD Countable Months for instructions on how to read CODF.)
●Determine whether the participant meets an ABAWD exemption other than the Geographical Exemption. Complete the appropriate AZTECS screen with the Exemption Reason Code when AZTECS has not identified the correct exemption reason. (See
ABAWD Exemptions for the list of exemptions)
NOTE Participant statement verification can be used for the Unfit for Work ABAWD Exemption when the reason is obvious and not questionable. Documentation must include at least one of the following:
●Details of the interview with the participant that support unfitness for work.
●The reason a participant statement was accepted.
●Observations made during the interview such as cast, sling, wheelchair, or behavioral health issues.
●Why further verification was not requested.
●When the participant does not meet an ABAWD exemption, determine whether the participant meets an ABAWD work requirement. (See
ABAWD Work Requirements for additional information)
●Ensure all of the following screens are keyed correctly:
NOTE AZTECS screens identify the ABAWD status and ensure the ABAWD is exempted for the time limits or subject to the time limits.
During the interview for nonexempt ABAWD participants, explain all of the following ways a participant can meet the ABAWD work requirements to the PI or authorized representative:
●Participating in and complying with one of the following work programs at least 20 hours per week:
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Career Advancement Network (SNAP CAN).
Workforce Investment Opportunities Act (WIOA) Program or a component of WIOA.
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Act Program.
An employment and training program for veterans offered by one of the following:
●Department of Labor
●Department of Veterans Affairs
●Working at least 20 hours per week (or an average of 80 hours per month). That includes self-employment, paid work, in-kind, volunteer unpaid work, or any combination of these activities.
●Any combination of working and participating in a work program for at least 20 hours per week.
Explain that when a nonexempt ABAWD participant receives three countable months, NA benefits stop.
When no exemption exists, AZTECS sends the NA Work Requirements (X640) notice at approval. The X640 notice informs the participant of work requirements and provides contact information for employment and training services. Review NORE, when the X640 notice is not sent, send the NA Work Requirements (F040) notice.
NOTE At approval review NOHS, when the X640 notice does not appear on NOHS, send the NA Work Requirements (F040) notice.
When a participant becomes subject to the ABAWD time limit due to a reported change and is no longer exempt from the ABAWD time limit, staff must manually request and send the F040 notice on NORE. Staff must manually add the participant's name to the notice in the ABAWD and NA Work Requirement sections of the F040 notice.
System interface and the
case file(g) must be reviewed before verification is requested. No additional verification is needed when AZTECS interface or HEAplus hubs have verified the information.
The participant has the primary responsibility for providing verification. (See
Participant Responsibilities – Providing Verification for additional policy.)
Acceptable verification of the ABAWD work requirement, includes and is not limited, to all of the following:
●A written statement or collateral contact completed by the work program or organization for which the work is being done.
●Paycheck stubs.
Verify the ABAWD good cause reason when questionable.
Verify the ABAWD exemption when questionable. For more information on verification, see
ABAWD Exemptions.
AZTECS Keying Procedures
NA Participant Subject to ABAWD Time Limits
When an NA participant is subject to the ABAWD time limits complete all of the following:
●Key NE in the EXPT RSN FS field on WERE.
●Key RA in the PAR/EXEM FS field on WORW.
Keying ABAWD Exemptions on WERE
For a complete list of ABAWD exemptions and codes, see
ABAWD Exemptions.
For a list of NA work requirement exemptions that may also be used as an ABAWD exemption, see
NA Work Requirement Exemptions.
Keying ABAWD Work Requirements on WERE
Key one of the following ABAWD work requirement codes in the EXPT RSN FS field on WERE:
●EM when the ABAWD participant meets any of the following:
Works at least 20 hours per week, or an average of 80 hours per month
Has self-employment income for at least 20 hours per week or an average 80 hours per month
●EV when the ABAWD participant meets one of the following:
Meets the work requirement through unpaid work such as volunteering and In-kind work
Is determined to have good cause
●PC when the ABAWD participant is actively participating and complying with any of the following work programs:
Workforce Investment Opportunities ACT (WIOA)
Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Act Program
An employment and training program for veterans offered by any of the following:
●Department of Labor
●Department of Veterans Affairs
1) The ABAWD three-year period runs from 01/01/2022 through 12/31/2024 (three years). Jack, an ABAWD participant, applies for NA on 01/10/2022. Jill, another ABAWD participant, applies for NA on 12/16/2024. The three-year period is the same for each of them and restarts on 01/01/2025.
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Legal Authorities
7 CFR 273.24(a)
7 CFR 273.24(b)
7 CFR 273.24(f)
FNS Waiver
last revised 10/01/2024