Revision 27 (12-01-13 through 01-31-14) : FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
Removed the policy related to stopping the TPL in or after the month of the determination. Removed references related to EWAL alert due to this procedure is obsolete.
FAA5.F08A - CA Renewal Procedures
Removed the reference to EWAL alert due to this procedure is obsolete.
Added bullet in the WARNING box to state to add a participant with the income at the next renewal. Removed reference of EWAL alert due to procedure is obsolete.
FAA5.X01 – EWAL - Purpose
Removed the entire subject due to EWAL Alert procedure is obsolete.
FAA5.X02 – Eligibility Worker Alerts - Overview
Removed the entire subject due to EWAL Alert procedure is obsolete.
FAA5.X02A – Eligibility Worker Alerts Due Today or Overdue
Removed the entire subject due to EWAL Alert procedure is obsolete.
FAA5.X02B – Alert Reports
Removed the entire subject due to EWAL Alert procedure is obsolete.