Revision 12 (04-01-10 through 06-30-10) : FAA6 Case Maintenance and Administrative Lists
FAA6 Case Maintenance and Administrative Lists
FAA6.A08 - FAA Responsibilities on Changes
Removed able-bodied work requirements link since there is no longer an ABAWD disqualification.
FAA6.D02N - Adding a New Able-Bodied NA Participant to an Active Case
Removed entire subject since there is no longer an ABAWD disqualification.
FAA6.D02O.06 - Adding a New Able-Bodied NA Participant to an Active Case
Removed entire subject since there is no longer an ABAWD disqualification.
Removed able-bodied work requirements link since there is no longer an ABAWD disqualification.
Changed name of the AHCCCS Office of Program Integrity (AOPI) to AHCCCS Office of Inspector General (AOIG).
Changed name of the AHCCCS Office of Program Integrity (AOPI) to AHCCCS Office of Inspector General (AOIG).
Changed name of the AHCCCS Office of Program Integrity (AOPI) to AHCCCS Office of Inspector General (AOIG).
Changed name of the AHCCCS Office of Program Integrity (AOPI) to AHCCCS Office of Inspector General (AOIG).
Changed name of the AHCCCS Office of Program Integrity (AOPI) to AHCCCS Office of Inspector General (AOIG).
Changed name of the AHCCCS Office of Program Integrity (AOPI) to AHCCCS Office of Inspector General (AOIG).
Changed name of the AHCCCS Office of Program Integrity (AOPI) to AHCCCS Office of Inspector General (AOIG).
Changed name of the AHCCCS Office of Program Integrity (AOPI) to AHCCCS Office of Inspector General (AOIG).
FAA6.K02B - AFIP Requirements - Frequency of Fingerprint Imaging
Added link to exemptions for finger imaging participants. (Policy Broadcast 10‑02, effective 02/10/10)
FAA6.K02C - AFIP Requirements - Adding Mandatory AFIP Participants
Removed entire subject since add-ons have a temporary AFIP exemption. (Policy Broadcast 10‑02, effective 02/10/10)
FAA6.K02C - AFIP Requirements - Exemptions from Fingerprint Imaging
Added temporary exemption for add-on participants. (Reference changed from FAA6.K02D) (Policy Broadcast 10‑02, effective 02/10/10)