FAA6.A Changes : 03 Effecting Changes : G Deprivation of a Dependent Child - Effecting Changes
Deprivation of a Dependent Child - Effecting Changes
Information on this page refers to the Cash Assistance program
This section includes information about what happens when there is a reported change in deprivation.
Changes in deprivation does not apply to NA or budgetary units subject to Simplified Reporting.
For CA, budgetary units subject to Standard Reporting are required to report changes in deprivation which include all of the following:
A parent moves in or out of the home
Death of a parent
A parent changes disability status
Paternity is established between a male living in the home and a child in the home which was not previously known
CA may change to a Two Parent Employment Program (TPEP) case or a TPEP case may change to a CA case when deprivation changes.
Legal Authorities
last revised 08/30/2021