FAA5.I Determining Benefits : 01 Determining NA Benefits : E NA Transitional Benefit Assistance (TBA)
NA Transitional Benefit Assistance (TBA)
Information on this page refers to the Nutrition Assistance program
NA Transitional Benefit Assistance (TBA) is intended to support a family's transition from CA to self-sufficiency.
NA Transitional Benefit Assistance (TBA) enhances program access and increases NA program participation for low-income families.
Certain eligible NA budgetary units who no longer meet eligibility for CA, transition to TBA. TBA budgetary units are potentially eligible to receive up to five consecutive months of TBA benefits.
When transitioning from Tribal TANF benefits, TBA only applies to any of the following Tribal TANF programs:
Hopi Family Assistance Program (HFAP)
Salt River Pima Maricopa Indian Community LEARN (SRPMIC LEARN)
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(See NA TBA Changes for policy regarding changes to TBA budgetary units.
TBA Eligibility
The NA budgetary unit is potentially eligible to receive TBA benefits when the related CA case is closed for one of the following reasons:
Excessive Income (See NA Gross Income Test and NA Net Income Test)
Needy Family criteria (See CA Needy Family Test)
There is no limit to the number of times an NA budgetary unit may qualify for TBA.
To be eligible for TBA, all of the following apply:
The NA case is in Open, Received or Renewal status.
NOTE When the NA case is in the last month of the approval period, the participant may be eligible for TBA without a renewal application.
The NA benefits must be issued in the month of CA closure.
NOTE Eligible no pay NA cases do not transition to TBA.
The current CA related case is closed, and all of the following apply:
The closure action is the result of information reported timely.
NOTE When the information is reported untimely, the NA budgetary unit is not eligible for TBA.
The CA was closed for excessive income or for not meeting needy family criteria.
None of the participants in the NA budgetary unit continues to be eligible for CA.
Participants in the NA and CA budgetary unit must be in compliance with all of the following program regulations:
Social Security Enumeration process
NA work requirements
Participants in the NA and CA budgetary unit are not disqualified due to any of the following:
Voluntarily quitting (VQ) a job or reducing their work effort (RWE), without good cause.
An Intentional Program Violation (IPV).
NOTE NA and CA participants who have served the CA sanction period or the IPV period prior to the CA case closure are potentially eligible.
Fleeing to avoid prosecution, custody, or confinement after conviction of a felony.
A conviction for making fraudulent statements concerning residency or identity.
Receipt of a felony conviction for possession, use or distribution of illegal drugs.
A violation of a condition of probation or parole imposed by federal or state law.
Participants in the NA budgetary unit must not be convicted of any of the following:
Trading NA benefits for controlled substances
Trading controlled substances for NA benefits
Trafficking NA benefits
Budgetary units that are not eligible for TBA may continue to be eligible for regular ongoing NA benefits.
NOTE When the CA case is closed due to the addition of a new participant and the new participant's income, the NA case does not transition to TBA.
TBA Closures
The budgetary unit is no longer eligible for TBA when any of the following occur:
The five-month approval period ends.
NOTE A Notice of Expiration (NOE) is sent to the TBA budgetary unit.
Any participant in the TBA budgetary unit applies and is approved for CA.
The participant has the primary responsibility for providing verification. (See Participant Responsibilities – Providing Verification for additional policy.)
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last revised 12/27/2022