FAA2.E Program and Person Alerts (PRAP/DISA) : 06 CA Sanctions : E Sanction Notice Requirements : .02 Sanction Notices – Jobs Program Noncompliance
Sanction Notices – Jobs Program Noncompliance
(01/01/23 – 12/31/23)
When an ACTS alert for noncompliance is received from the Jobs Program, complete the following:
Review NOHS to ensure that NOAA has been sent before imposing the sanction.
When the Jobs Program has not sent the NOAA by the last day to request a NOAA, send an email to the Jobs program contractor Equus at [email protected]. Upon receiving the email, the Jobs program staff takes appropriate actions and notifies the FAA office within one workday(g).
NOTE For notices mailed on or after 11/15/2022, view notice content in OnBase.
Do not impose the sanction when NOAA has not been sent by close of business on the last day to request a notice of adverse action. End the sanction.
FAA must not impose the next level of sanction to a participant when any of the following apply:
Jobs Program staff have not sent a Jobs Program NOAA for the appropriate month or sanction level.
NOTE FAA staff do not send Jobs Program sanction notices.
The last day to send the Jobs NOAA has passed.
End the sanction and send the Restored Benefits - Graduated Sanction (A790) notice when either of the following occur:
NOAA has not been sent and the last day of the NOAA has passed.
FAA has explored all options and the noncompliance sanction cannot be imposed.
Key the sanction end date on DISA for the month that benefits are being restored.
The Jobs Program is responsible for sending a sanction notice at each sanction level as follows:
A792 notice for 50% Jobs noncompliance
A493 notice for 100% Jobs noncompliance
A730 notice for 50 % CA Multiple Sanctions