DCS Fast Pass Referrals
The Department of Child Safety (DCS) Fast Pass application process was implemented to provide a streamlined application process for families receiving help from the Department of Child Safety.
A Department of Child Safety (DCS) specialist starts the DCS Fast Pass application process when it is determined the family they are assisting may need NA or CA benefits.
All of the following agencies are licensed to assist DCS with the application process:
●Aid to Adoption of Special Kids (AASK)
●Avia Children’s Services
●AZ Treasured Family
●Casa de Los Ninos
●Casey Families
●Catholic Community Services of Southern AZ
●Child Crisis Arizona
●Christian Family Care
●Grace Retreat Foster Care and Adoption Services
●Intermountain Foster Care LLC
●Lutheran Social Services
●Pinnacle Employment Services
●ResCare Inc. DBA A Place to Call Home
●Rise Arizona Family Services
●Southwest Human Development
●Youth Villages
The DCS Fast Pass application process includes all of the following timeframes:
●Interviews are conducted within one
workday(g) of the date of application, when possible.
●Eligibility determinations are completed no later than 20 calendar days from the date of application when verification has been provided.
The caretaker relative requirement is met when all of the following apply:
●The child is in the custody of DCS, a Tribal Court or a Tribal Child Welfare Agency located in Arizona
●The child is placed in the home by DCS, a Tribal Court or a Tribal Child Welfare Agency located in Arizona
When a Kinship Foster Care family wants to apply for CA child only benefits, a DCS specialist or an agency licensed by DCS assists the Kinship Foster Care family with all of the following items in the FAA application process:
●Completion and submittal of the application.
●Completion of an interview for NA or CA applications during Fast Pass hours by calling the DCS Fast Pass Line. (The DCS Fast Pass Line is a telephone number to be used by DCS or DCS licensed agency specialists only.)
●Submittal of verification documents, when needed.
NOTE Fast Pass hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (excluding state holidays)
During Fast Pass hours, DCS or a licensed agency specialist completes all of the following when the participant is not receiving NA, CA, or Medical Assistance (MA) benefits:
●Contacts the DCS Fast Pass Line with the participant present. DCS or the licensed agency specialist remains with the participant to assist them until the application is submitted and the interview, when needed, is conducted.
NOTE DCS or licensed agency specialists identify themself to FAA. (For example, DCS or the licensed agency specialist may state, "My name is (insert Name) with DCS or a DCS licensed agency (insert agency name) calling to initiate a Fast Pass application for services”.)
●Attaches any available verification for a benefit determination to an encrypted email to the DCS Fast Pass Specialized unit.
DCS Specialized Responsibilities
Outside of normal business hours, the DCS or a licensed agency specialist is responsible for all of the following:
●Informing Kinship Foster Care (KF) families that they may be potentially eligible for CA for their related or unrelated child being placed with them when the child is in the legal custody of DCS.
●Providing the KF family an FAA application.
●Assisting the applicant in completing the FAA application.
●Copying the application single sided and annotating in the upper right corner “KF/DCS/P” indicating the application is a child only Kinship Foster Care, Department of Child Safety Placement.
●Sending an encrypted email to the Specialized Fast Pass Unit containing all of the following:
The best contact number for the participant in the body of the email.
A scanned copy of the completed paper application as an attachment to the email.
Available verification as an attachment to the email.
All eligibility factors and verification requirements have to be met before approval. Denial processing timeframes remain the same.
An official FAA application with the KF/KS/LP stamp received from any of the following verifies the application is referred by the Department of Child Safety (DCS):
●A Tribal Court
●A Tribal Child Welfare Agency
A court order or minute entry verifying who has legal custody.
Legal Authorities
7 CFR 273.2(k)(1)
AAC R6-12-102
AAC R6-12-203
AAC R6-12-306(A)(4)
AAC R6-12-309 - 310
A.R.S. § 35-148
TANF State Plan
PL 21-04 U.S.
last revised 06/10/2024