FAA1.C Rights and Responsibilities : 01 Participant Rights : E Right to Know That EBT Accounts are Monitored
Right to Know That EBT Accounts are Monitored
Information on this page refers to the Nutrition Assistance program Information on this page refers to the Cash Assistance program
This subject includes information about the monitoring of EBT accounts.
Participants have the right to know that FAA monitors Electronic Benefit Transaction (EBT) accounts and investigates potential misuse of the EBT cards.
FAA monitors EBT accounts to determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe the EBT card is being misused. FAA conducts an investigation when any of the following occur:
The participant or authorized representative requests a fourth EBT card replacement within any 12-month period of time.
More than 10% of a budgetary unit’s CA benefits are used out of state.
Legal Authorities
last revised 04/11/2022