FAA1.B Time Frames : 05 Renewal Application Time Frames - Overview : B NA Renewal Application Time Frames : .03 Compliance with NA Renewal Requirements After the Approval Period Ends
Compliance with NA Renewal Requirements After the Approval Period Ends
(01/01/22 - 12/31/22)
The budgetary unit may comply with the NA Renewal requirements within 30 days after the end of the NA approval period. The case may be reopened, and the proration date is based on one of the following:
When the delay is the fault of FAA, complete all of the following:
Reopen the case on the REPT screen in AZTECS. (See Reopening Reasons to determine the correct REPT Reason Code.)
Determine NA from the first day of the initial month of the new NA approval period.
When the delay is the fault of the participant and the participant takes the required action within 30 days of the effective date of closure, complete all of the following:
Reopen the case on the REPT screen in AZTECS.
Prorate NA from the date the participant takes the required action.
Document the case file(g) to show the following:
The date the participant took the required action.
The participant’s compliance is within 30 days after the end of the NA approval period.
Send the appropriate notice.