Revision 47 (01-01-19 through 12-31-19) : FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
Added that RCA budgetary units are first subject to the CA Jobs Program work exemptions criteria and then subject to the Refugee Resettlement Program (RRP) jobs exemptions. (Effective for all applications received on or after 12/09/2019)
Clarified to use the GD code when no other work program exemptions apply. (Effective 08/19/2019)
Removed outdated information and added information on how to locate and Employment Services Office. (Policy Change Alert 19-019F, effective for interviews completed 08/05/2019 or later)
Revised to clarify that conversion factors are not used to calculate exemption hours or wages. Added examples for determining an employment exemption. (Effective for all interviews completed on or after 12/23/2019)
Revised NA E&T Participation Exemption-Geographical Location to include FAA office that are in counties, which DERS does not provide NA E&T services. (News Flash 19-045F, effective 10/21/2019)
FAA5.B01 – AFIM - Purpose
Clarified that CA Income Maximum test is conducted on AFIM. Also, this test is only conducted on Tribal TANF cases. (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.B02 – Cash Assistance Income Maximum Test - Overview
Remove entire subject because this is only used for tribal determinations and tribal information is now within each tribe’s section in FAA6.I. (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.B02 – CA Income Maximum Test
Clarified that the CA Income Maximum Test is only conducted on Tribal TANF cases. (Reference changed from FAA5.B03) (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.B05 – CA Payment Standard Income Test- Overview
Removed subject because it is duplicated in AFPD. (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.C01 – AFNN - Purpose
Clarified that the CA Need Test and CA Needy Family Test are conducted on AFNN. (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.C02 – Cash Assistance Need and Net Income Test - Overview
Removed subject since information is duplicated in other sections. (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.C02 – CA Need Standard Income Test
Clarified that the CA Need Standard Income test is only conducted for Tribal TANF. Added additional keying instructions. (Reference changed from FAA5.B04) (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.C03 – CA Needy Family Test
Clarified that the CA Needy Family test is not conducted on Tribal TANF and Kinship Foster Care – Child Only cases. Added additional keying instructions. (Reference changed from FAA5.B06) (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.C03 – CA Need Standard Net Income Test - Overview
Revised to align policy with Needy Family calculations and policy. (Effective 6/03/2019) Removed subject because a Net test is not conducted at this time. (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.C04A – Cost of Employment Deduction
Clarified that the deduction applies to everyone in the family that is working and is not limited to participants in the budgetary unit. (Effective 06/17/2019)
FAA5.C04B – 30% Earned Income Deduction
Clarified that the deduction applies to everyone in the family that is working and is not limited to participants in the budgetary unit. (Effective 06/17/2019)
FAA5.C04C – Dependent Care Expense Deduction
Clarified that the deduction applies to everyone in the family that is working and is not limited to participants in the budgetary unit. (Effective 06/17/2019)
FAA5.C04D – EMPOWER Deduction
Clarified that this deduction does not apply to the CA Needy Family Test and many Tribal TANF cases. (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.D02 – Cash Assistance Payment Determination
Replaced CA Income Maximum Test with the CA Needy Family Test and removed Need Standard Income test and removed the Needs Test. (Effective 06/17/2019) Clarified that Tribal TANF and Kinship Foster Care – Child Only cases have different prospective eligibility. (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.D03 – Determining Prospective Eligibility - Overview
Replaced CA Income Maximum Test with the CA Needy Family Test and removed Need Standard Income test and removed the Needs Test. (Effective 06/17/2019)
FAA5.D03A – CA Payment Standard Test
Revised to include the policy on the 20% reduction from the payment standard. (Reference changed from FAA5.F03A) (Effective 6/03/2019) Identified that Pascua Yaqui Tribal TANF cases always use the A1 CA Payment standard. Reformatted for clarity. (Effective 11/12/2019)
FAA5.D05C – Grant Diversion Keying Procedures
Clarified to use the GD code when no other work program exemptions apply. (Effective 8/19/2019)
FAA5.E05B – Assigning Nutrition Assistance Approval Periods
Reformatted for clarity. Removed NOTE on the type of reporting requirement assignment for budgetary unit who is assigned with three, four, or five months approval period. (Policy Change Alert 19‑001F, effective 02/18/2019) Added clarification for when the approval assigned by AZTECS does not match the budgetary unit’s circumstance. (Effective 4/8/2019) Added policy regarding new 12 month approval periods. (PCA 19‑011F effective, 07/01/2019) (Reference changed from FAA5.Q05B)
Added information concerning accommodations for visual impairments. (Reference changed from FAA5.V01) (Policy Change Alert 19‑003F, effective 02/22/2019)
FAA5.I02A – Requesting Missing Information
Added clarifying directions on assisting participants with obtaining missing information. (Reference changed from FAA5.Y02A) (News Flash 19‑008F, effective 01/28/2019)
FAA5.I04 – Items to Complete - Overview
Updated policy to reflect that verification documents must be uploaded to OnBase or HEAplus immediately when received during the interview. Added a new bullet with information regarding telephone interviews. (Reference changed from FAA5.Y04) (News Flash 19‑008F, effective 01/28/2019)
FAA5.I04A – Signing the Application
Updated the location and verbiage of the NOTE and the last line in this reference. (Reference changed from FAA5.Y04A) (Effective 05/20/2019)