What’s Changed on 07/22/2024
What’s Changed on 07/22/2024
This page notifies staff and the public of changes to the Cash and Nutrition Assistance Policy (CNAP) Manual regarding policy, procedures, and forms. Reminders and general information may also be displayed on this page. Prior What’s Changed pages are listed in What's Changed History of the CNAP Manual.
The above list summarizes the information on this page. Each item listed above links to the corresponding section below.
Clarification: DCSS System Update – Part Two
This notification is an update to the Urgent Bulletin emailed on 05/23/2024 regarding the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) system transition to the Arizona Case Record System (AZCARES).
The transitional period which began on 05/06/2024 has ended as of 07/12/2024. Staff no longer need to follow the workaround for cooperation with DCSS.
FAA Systems has implemented a new process to extract the DCSS cooperation data sent by AZCARES. This process imports the data sent by AZCARES into AZTECS and updates the DATE OF AF COOPERATION field on APPD.
In the past, communication between AZTECS and the former DCSS system, Arizona’s Tracking and Locate Services (ATLAS), occurred in real time. Communication between AZTECS and AZCARES no longer occurs in real time. When DCSS staff enter the DCSS cooperation date into AZCARES, it can take up to three workdays for the DATE OF AF COOPERATION field on APPD to update. Staff must review CADO for documentation from DCSS staff before denying a CA case for failure to cooperate with DCSS.
Review of Denied CA Applications for Potential Reopening
Due to the transitional period for DCSS cooperation ending, the procedures outlined for reviewing denied CA applications no longer need to be followed for CA applications received on or after 07/12/2024.
Child Support Payment History (CHSP)
Due to the recent DCSS transition to AZCARES, AZTECS is temporarily not receiving the financial information needed to update the Child Support Payment History (CHSP) screen. FAA staff must continue to request child, medical, and spousal support verification from the participant when CHSP is the only source of verification available.
General Information: Forms Update
Changes to Forms – 07/13/2024 through 07/19/2024
As a reminder, it is important not to save documents on your desktop or a folder. It is better to use the form you need directly from the Document Center. Forms are frequently updated and sometimes the current form must be used for programming purposes.
Revised forms:
Potential Overpayment (OP) Referral (FAA-0526A) form
A guide for when to send a potential overpayment was added. A three-question summary replaced the freeform box.
Revised Marketing Materials (Posters, Pamphlets, Flyers):
No revisions to marketing materials were made during the specified period
Newly created forms:
No forms were created during the specified period
New Marketing Materials (Posters, Pamphlets, Flyers):
No new marketing materials were created during the specified period
Forms Archived from the Document Center
No forms were archived from the Document Center