What’s Changed on 12/23/2024
What’s Changed on 12/23/2024
This page notifies staff and the public of changes to the Cash and Nutrition Assistance Policy (CNAP) Manual regarding policy, procedures, and forms. Reminders and general information may also be displayed on this page. Prior What’s Changed pages are listed in What's Changed History of the CNAP Manual.
The above list summarizes the information on this page. Each item listed above links to the corresponding section below.
Change: 2025 SSA Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
EFFECTIVE DATE: For determinations completed on or after 01/01/2025
The Social Security Administration (SSA) announced changes to benefit amounts and Medicare premiums based on the annual Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) effective 01/2025.
Effective 01/01/2025, the new maximum amount for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for an individual is $967 ($1450 for a couple).
On 01/11/2025, FAA Systems is running a mass change on all cases that include SSA income. A notice is sent to the participant when there is a change in their benefit amount. All cases must be authorized in the current system month (CSM) of 02/2025 for the mass change to run correctly. The mass change automatically updates SSA income for the benefit month of 02/2025.
When a case is missed by the mass change, the ACTS alert titled MASS CHG-PLEASE REDETER is generated for the case to notify FAA staff that the case must be manually reworked.
FAA staff must review the WTPI and WTPY screens in AZTECS or SOLQI in HEAplus to determine benefit amounts, Medicare premiums, and whether the premium is paid by the recipient, state, or a third party.
Clarification: Review of Case History
Staff must explore and resolve all unclear or incomplete information with the budgetary unit before or during the interview. A prior investigation, or prior means to compare information from the prior application or applications to the information in the current application. The prior investigation process is known as a Review of Case History.
Complete a prior investigation by reviewing all of the following:
The current application
The prior approval or denial application or applications
All changes reported since the last application and before the date of the interview
For more information, see FAA2.B03 titled Conducting the Interview.
Reminder: Keying Addresses on ADDR
Based on a participant's current living situation, complete one of the following when keying ADDR:
When a participant’s residential address is their mailing address, only key the RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS fields.
When a participant’s residential address is not their mailing address, complete all of the following:
Key the MAILING ADDRESS fields.
NOTE When a participant has a residential address, you must key their residential address on ADDR.
When participants are unable to receive mail at their residence because they do not have a valid address or they have a non-traditional residential address, complete all of the following:
Key the CITY, STATE, ZIP, and COUNTY fields where the participant resides in the RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS fields.
Key the participant’s mailing address in the MAILING ADDRESS fields.
NOTE Key SEE MAILING ADDRESS only when a participant does not have a valid residential address.
Participants are required to provide a mailing address to ensure they receive FAA notifications and EBT cards.
Residing in a permanent dwelling or having a fixed address is not required to receive NA or CA benefits.
Offer to assist participants in locating United States Postal Service (USPS) General Delivery information when a participant is unable to receive mail where they reside for reasons listed in the policy or they do not have a valid residential address.
See FAA2.C07B titled Keying Addresses on ADDR for more information.
Reminder: Phone Number for DCSS Pre-Cooperation
When a participant needs to complete the Division of Child Support Services (DCSS) pre-cooperation requirement for Cash Assistance, ensure the correct phone number is given to the participant. DCSS has reported that FAA staff may be giving out an incorrect phone number, leading to delays in the pre-cooperation process. The correct phone number is (800) 882-4151. Advise the participant to select option number five for pre-cooperation.
For more information, see the Standard Work titled DCSS Virtual Pre-Compliance Process in the BEST Training Center for more information on this process.
Reminder: Low UI Benefit Balance
When a participant’s Unemployment Insurance (UI) benefits show a low balance, complete one of the following:
When the UI benefits can be removed from the budget in the month after the current system month (CSM), complete all of the following:
Budget the UI benefits in the CSM based on the remaining balance.
Roll the benefits to the month after the CSM and remove the income.
When the UI benefits cannot be removed from the budget in the month after the current system month, complete all of the following:
Set a free form Auto Change Tracking System (ACTS) Alert for the first workday of the month before the month benefits are ending.
Document that UI benefits are ending.
For more information on budgeting UI benefits, see FAA4.H01B.77 titled Unemployment Insurance (UI).
General Information: Poster Updates – Action Needed
The revision dates on all of the following posters displayed in the office lobby must be checked to verify that they have the correct revision date of 11/01/2024:
Americans with Disabilities Act Grievance Notice (POX-248A) (English) (11/01/2024)
Americans with Disabilities Act Grievance Notice (POX-248A) (Spanish) (11/01/2024)
Two posters have been revised, effective 11/2024. All of the following posters need to be ordered through the DES Warehouse:
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice (POX-248) (English) (11/01/2024)
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice (POX-248) (Spanish) (11/01/2024)
When you do not have the current posters, order them through the DES Warehouse.
The Policy Support Team will send a receipt to the Benefit Eligibility Managers to acknowledge that the posters are displayed. The receipt needs to be returned to [email protected] by 01/14/2025.
For more information on mandatory posters and current revision dates, see FAA1.C03F titled Communicate with the Public.
General Information: Forms Update
Changes to Forms – 12/14/2024 through 12/27/2024
As a reminder, it is important not to save documents on your desktop or a folder. It is better to use the form you need directly from the Document Center. Forms are frequently updated and sometimes the current form must be used for programming purposes.
Revised forms:
Pre-Hearing Summary/Discussion (FAA-1692A) (English)
The Overpayment program checkboxes were removed because they have their own form, and more space was added to the free form boxes.
Pre-Hearing Summary/Discussion (FAA-1692A-S) (Spanish)
The Overpayment program checkboxes were removed because they have their own form, and more space was added to the free form boxes.
Revised Marketing Materials (Posters, Pamphlets, Flyers):
No revisions to marketing materials were made during the specified period
Newly created forms:
Absentee Calendar (FAA-1293A_2025)
New Marketing Materials (Posters, Pamphlets, Flyers):
No new marketing materials were created during the specified period
Forms Archived from the Document Center
No forms were archived from the Document Center