Revision 45 (01-01-17 through 12-31-17) : FAA1 System Information and Application Screening
FAA1 System Information and Application Screening
FAA1.A02C – FAA Policy Manual - Request for Policy Clarification
Added verbiage defining what a field inquiry is versus a policy clarification. Clarified who is authorized to elevate a PC. Added verbiage stating that only the requestor will get a response from the PST. (Effective 05/22/2017)
FAA1.A06C.04 – Confidentiality - Participant Review of Case Information
Modified process for participant review of case file process. (Effective 11/08/2017)
Added a NOTE regarding not waiting until the end of the tenth day to deny for failure to provide when the tenth day is the last day to timely deny. The case must be reopened when info is provided before close of business. (Reference changed from FAA1.O05B.01) (Effective 08/28/2017)
FAA1.K02D – Official Applications - Identifiable Applications
Added effective date information. (Effective 11/08/2017)
FAA1.K09 – Receipt of Benefits in More Than One Case
Added hyperlinks to policy for new references. (NF 17-054F Effective 12/18/17)
FAA1.L02A - HOSC - HOSS - Purpose
Removed reference to AFIP. (Effective 08/09/2017)
FAA1.L02B - HOSC - Overview
Removed reference to AFIP. (Effective 08/09/2017)
FAA1.M02 – New Applications - Overview
Removed verbiage stating that an application for NA and CA is an application for MA. (Effective 06/12/2017) Changed home visits to home-based interviews. Added that participants must be allowed an office interview upon request. (Effective 11/08/17)
FAA1.M04 – Scheduling Home-Based Interviews Overview
Changed the term ‘home visit’ to ‘home-based interview’ throughout policy; home-based interviews are to be conducted only if the household meets the hardship criteria and is requested; and home-based interviews do not need to be done at least seven days in advance. Added the Appointment Notice (C900) and removed the requirement for good cause to reschedule a home-based interview. (Effective 11/08/2017)
FAA1.M06 – Waiver of the Office Interview
Changed from home visit to home-based interview. Added explanation for the option of a phone interview in place of a face-to-face interview and that the participant may request a telephone interview or home visit. (Effective 11/08/2017) Removed that a hardship is needed for a phone interview and removed hardship reasons. (Effective 11/20/17)