Mass Changes
Information on this page refers to the Nutrition Assistance program Information on this page refers to the Cash Assistance program
This section includes information about mass changes.
A mass change is a change that affects a large number of cases.
Mass change reasons include, and are not limited to, any of the following:
Changes in law
Computer system programming changes
Changes initiated by state or federal government that may affect the entire caseload or portions of the caseload.
Changes in any of the following require a mass change be completed:
CA Standards of Need
Income standards and deductions
The NA Thrifty Food Plan
Federal Poverty Levels
Resource standards
Other changes in the eligibility criteria based on one or more of the following:
Legislative or regulatory actions
Periodic adjustments to cash benefits
NOTE When FAA knows at least 30 calendar days in advance of changes to CA benefit amounts, the corresponding NA change must be made in the same month. When FAA does not have at least 30 calendar days’ notice of changes to CA benefit amounts, the resulting NA change effects the month following the month the CA benefit change was made.
Annual and seasonal adjustment to SSA, SSI, and other federal benefits including cost of living adjustments (COLA)
NOTE The participants are not responsible for reporting these changes. FAA is responsible for automatically adjusting the benefit level to reflect the change.
When a mass change is needed, AZTECS generates an automatic notice that advises the participant of the change. When the mass change results in a decrease or closure of benefits, a mass change notice must be issued allowing for NOAA(g).
When the reason for the action is a change in law, the notice must include a statement regarding the specific change in law.
FAA may also publicize mass changes through the news media and posters in FAA offices and other public places.
Many mass changes are initiated at Central Office by FAA Systems staff and do not require FAA office action. When FAA offices are required to take any action on mass changes, Central Office issues procedures to follow.
For mass changes to be automatically implemented to all applicable cases in AZTECS, it is important that all cases are in the current system month (CSM). The cases outside of the CSM are not correctly affected when the mass change occurs. See Current System Month Definition and Rolling Past Current System Month Definition.
Normally at the time of monthly rollover, AZTECS runs mass change jobs that include, and are not limited to, any of the following:
Changes in NA or CA.
Changes in the income maximums.
Changes in deductions.
COLA for SSI and SSA benefits.
Determining how CA changes on individual cases affect NA benefits.
Differences in the prospective month's income, expenses, etc. (An alert is generated when a discrepancy is found.
Changes in programming.
All of the following information must be correctly keyed in AZTECS for the mass change process to occur successfully:
The case must be in the current system month.
NOTE Determine eligibility for all applicable months only up to the CSM. Known changes should not be worked past the CSM, instead, set an applicable ACTS alert so the change can be reviewed when the CSM changes. (See Pre-defined Alert Type Codes)
Benefits for the current month must be authorized.
All income must be correctly coded.
When the participant pays their own Medicare premium, the Medicare amount must be keyed in the TY SUB fields on EXNS using the ME MC Expense Codes. Review the BDXI AZTECS screen to determine who is the premium payer.
NOTE When the above conditions have not or cannot be met, alerts or reports are generated. The alert or report indicates the need to update the case manually.
Legal Authorities
last revised 06/05/2023