FAA6.E Overpayments : 07 Intentional Program Violation (IPV) - Overview : B IPV - Administrative Disqualification Procedures : .01 IPV - Administrative Disqualification Procedures - FAA Responsibilities
IPV - Administrative Disqualification Procedures - FAA Responsibilities
(01/01/22 - 12/31/22)
FAA has several responsibilities regarding NA Intentional Program Violation (IPV) administrative disqualifications.
The worker must ensure the PI or representative understands the disqualification procedures each time they apply for benefits and at each renewal.
For in-person hearings, the FAA representative, the Region Appeal Coordinator, or the designated representative who attends the administrative disqualification appeal must take the Waiver of the Right to an Administrative Disqualification Appeal (OARC1) form to the appeal. This is in the event the participant decides to waive the disqualification appeal hearing at the time of the appeal. When the waiver is obtained at the appeal, FAA must send a copy to the Office of Accounts Receivable and Collections (OARC). (See OARC Collections Address)
FAA must honor sanctions imposed against a participant from another state agency that administers the NA program. FAA must consider prior violations committed in another state when determining the appropriate sanction.
When OARC requests the allotment amount after the disqualified participant is convicted of an IPV, the Overpayment Unit (OPU) computes the disqualification budget. OPU notifies OARC of the new benefit amount. OPU completes the following to compute the disqualification budget:
Keys DF in the PT field on SEPA next to the disqualified participant
Enters through the AZTECS screens to FSAD to determine the new allotment amount
Sends the new allotment via email to OARC
Reverts all screens to the previous approval status until OARC sends the Notice of Disqualification for Intentional Nutrition Assistance Program Violation letter
When OARC sends the Notice of Disqualification for Intentional Nutrition Assistance Program Violation letter, OPU imposes the disqualification on open NA cases by completing the following:
Keys DF in the PT field on SEPA next to the disqualified participant in the month the disqualification starts
Keys IP in the third field alert type on PRAP for the disqualified program (FS or AF)
Keys Y on PRAP under the DISA WKSN for FS
Press Enter two times to land on the DISA Page 2
Keys the following on DISA:
The consecutive IPV number in the IPV NBR field
The disqualification start date (MMYY) in the IPV START DT field
The length of the disqualification in the DISQ PERIOD
Documents an explanation of the IPV disqualification in the DOC section and the case file(g)
Send OARC an email verifying the disqualification has been imposed
When OARC sends the Notice of Disqualification for Intentional Nutrition Assistance Program Violation letter, OPU imposes the disqualification on closed or denied NA cases by completing the following:
Documenting an explanation of the IPV disqualification in the DOC section on DISA and the casefile with the following:
Date of the notice
Decision date
The guilty party’s first and last name
The hearing date
Time frame of the disqualification
Action taken in AZTECS
Sends OARC an email verifying the case is closed and documentation was added to the case file.