FAA1.B Time Frames : 02 Time Frames for Requesting Verification - Overview : A Time Frames for Requesting Verification at Interview
Time Frames for Requesting Verification at Interview
(07/01/10 –09/30/10)
Give the PI ten days to provide the requested information or verification using the procedures outlined in Providing Verification. The request period starts the day after the date of the interview.
Give the participant four days to complete a drug test when it is required. The four day period starts the day after the Drug Test Referral (A003) notice is mailed. When the four day period ends on a weekend or holiday, the due date is the following workday(g).
Verification requests for untimely NA renewal applications can result in delays in the eligibility determination. This causes the regular monthly issuance to be late. (See Providing Verification at NA Renewal)