Revision 46 (01-01-18 through 12-31-18) : FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5.A06A.02 – NEW Referrals
Added procedures for sending Tribal NEW referral notices. (Policy Change Alert 18‑011F, effective 06/04/2018)
FAA5.A06A.03 – NEW Maintenance
Update form used for communication with NEW program offices. (News Flash 18‑043F, effective 06/18/2018)
Added a list of things that can be used to support the disability exemption. (Policy Change Alert 18‑017F, effective 09/17/2018)
Revised to include Tribal TANF Work Program exemption. (Effective 01/16/2018)
Changed keying procedures to match changes in AZTECS. (Effective 02/02/2018)
Changed keying procedures to match changes in AZTECS. (Effective 02/02/2018)
FAA5.D08A – CA Renewal Procedures
Added bullets to Exception Box to expand list of CA cases with 12-month approval period. (Reference changed from FAA5.F08A)(Effective 08/13/2018)