Revision 44 (10-01-16 through 12-31-16) : FAA2 Non-Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA2 Non-Financial Eligibility Factors
FAA2.G05A.01 – Mandatory CA Participants
Added to mandatory CA participants a parent that is only away due to active military duty. (Effective 10/01/2016)
FAA2.G05A.04 – CA Nonparticipants
Added to mandatory CA participants a parent that is only away due to active military duty. (Effective 10/01/2016)
FAA2.L13 – Kinship Foster Care CA Referrals - Overview
Added new link to DCS child only case and two new notes regarding specified relative and STBL/Needy Family. (Effective 12/05/2016)
FAA2.L13A – Kinship Foster Care - DCS Custody Child Only Case
Added new reference regarding kinship foster care, child only cases. (Effective 12/05/2016)
FAA2.L13C – Kinship Foster Care-FAA Responsibilities
Reference changed from FAA2.L13B. Added that the adult DCS placement may be unrelated. (Effective 12/05/2016)
FAA2.P07 – 60 Month Lifetime Benefit Limit (LIBL) - Overview
Removed entire section regarding LIBL because STBL and LIBL policy has been combined. (Effective 10/01/2016)
Added new subject which combines the 60-month Lifetime Benefit Limit policy with the 12-month State Benefit Limit policy. Moved STBL specific policy to FAA2.P07. (Effective 10/01/2016)
Added new code for the use of the 15 Percent Exemption. (Policy Change Alert 16‑041F, efffective 10/31/16)
Added information to clarify how to regain ABAWD eligibility and when to add the participant. (Policy Change Alert 16‑041F, efffective 10/31/16)
Added new subject to address the ABAWD 15 percent exemption. (Policy Change Alert 16‑041F, efffective 10/31/16)
FAA2.P11 – 12 Month State Benefit Limit (STBL) - Overview
Removed entire section regarding STBL because STBL and LIBL policy has been combined. (Effective 10/01/2016)