Nonfinancial Eligibility - DNAP Budgetary Unit
The budgetary unit consists of those listed on the application unless information is available that makes that information questionable. When questionable, the budgetary unit must explain any discrepancies.
For budgetary unit's currently receiving NA benefits, the budgetary unit includes everyone listed in the AZTECS case regardless of any current disqualification status. The following disqualifications do not apply to the DNAP:
Citizenship or Noncitizen status
Cooperation with work programs
Drug convictions
Fleeing felon
Fraud or IPV
Social Security enumeration
Striker status
Student status
Violating a condition of probation or parole
Voluntary quit status
When the budgetary unit is temporarily living with others due to the disaster, do not include the others in the NA budgetary unit.
For budgetary units living in temporary shelters, see DNAP Residency in the Disaster Area.