Negative Rent Example
The Cleaver's are billed $60 for electricity and $25 for telephone. They receive a check for $80 to use toward their utilities. Apply the $80 to the electricity bill first and then the telephone bill. The Cleaver's have a $5 telephone bill remaining.
Electricity bill
Negative rent
Apply this amount to other existing utility expenses. Apply to the telephone bill last.
Telephone bill
Counted telephone expense. Key on EXNS.
The Nelson's are billed $60 for electricity and $20 for telephone and $5 for water. They receive a check for $100 to use toward their utilities. Apply the $100 to the $60 electricity bill. Apply the remaining $40 to their other utility expenses. Apply the check to the telephone bill last.
Negative rent
- 60
Electricity bill
Apply this amount to other existing utility expenses
- 5
Water bill
Apply this amount to other existing utility expenses
- 20
Telephone bill
Considered excess amount as Unearned Income (See Energy Assistance Payments)
NOTE There are no expenses keyed on EXNS.