NA Overpayment Compromise - Overpayment Compromise Determination
(01/01/20 - 12/31/20)
When the person responsible to pay the overpayment submits a request for a compromise, the request is uploaded to OnBase. OPU is notified that a request has been submitted. Within ten workdays(g) the OPU determines when a request for compromise can be considered.
For a compromise to be considered, all the following must be met:
The overpayment claim has been established
The Notice of Nutrition Assistance Overpayment and Intent to Collect Letter has been sent to the person responsible to pay the overpayment
A pending appeal has been finalized
An IPV or fraud charge has not been affirmed
The person responsible to pay the overpayment has submitted a request for a compromise
When any of the above items are not met, the request to compromise is denied and a NUTRITION ASSISTANCE OVERPAYMENT COMPROMISE DENIAL letter is sent informing the participant of the reason for the denial and the right to appeal.
When all of the above items occur, OPU sends the participant the Nutrition Assistance Compromise Request for Income/Expenses Statement within ten workdays.
NOTE Any payments or collections returned to and received by the Overpayment Unit prior to the received date of the signed compromise agreement, may affect the Overpayment balance and the Compromised amount. The payments or collections received prior to the signed compromise approval agreement’s received date will not be returned.
The person responsible to pay the overpayment must return the completed NUTRITION ASSISTANCE COMPROMISE REQUEST FOR INCOME/EXPENSES STATEMENT as directed with requested information and verification to OPU no later than 30 calendar days following the date the department mailed or otherwise transmitted the NUTRITION ASSISTANCE COMPROMISE REQUEST FOR INCOME/EXPENSES STATEMENT or within an approved extended time.
When the person is unable to provide the information within 30 calendar days, they can obtain an additional 30 calendar day extension. To obtain an extension, the person responsible to pay the overpayment must contact OPU on or before the 30-calendar day deadline when:
More time is needed to provide the necessary information for the NA compromise claim
The person responsible to pay the overpayment needs help obtaining the verification
When the person fails to provide the completed NUTRITION ASSISTANCE COMPROMISE REQUEST FOR INCOME/EXPENSES STATEMENT with all required verification, the NA COMPROMISE DENIAL LETTER will be sent.
When the person provides the NUTRITION ASSISTANCE COMPROMISE REQUEST FOR INCOME/EXPENSES STATEMENT and the required verification, the following will be completed:
The information must be scanned into OnBase(g) within two workdays of receipt.
OPU has a 20-workday time limit to complete the OP compromise determination.
OPU documents the case file(g), uploads the Compromise Worksheet to OnBase and completes the OP compromise determination.
A notice is sent to the participant informing them of the decision.