FAA6.E Overpayments : 06 Methods of Overpayment Collection - Overview : A Methods of CA Overpayment Collection : .03 Methods of CA Overpayment Collection - Suspending Collections
Methods of CA Overpayment Collection - Suspending Collections
(01/01/19 – 12/31/19)
FAA does not attempt recovery of a non-IPV overpayment from a participant who is no longer receiving benefits when either of the following apply:
The overpayment is less than $35.
The overpayment is more than $35 and both of the following apply:
Reasonable efforts to collect have failed.
The Office of Accounts Receivable and Collections OARC Collections Unit determines that collection of the overpayment is no longer cost effective.
The OARC Collections Unit makes all determinations of non-collections and maintains records of uncollected overpayments.
When a household with an uncollected overpayment reapplies and is eligible for CA, the overpayment collection is reinstated.
Overpayments are not recouped from Grant Diversion Payments.
Collection actions must not be suspended for the following:
Overpayments that have been judicially determined to have resulted from fraud.
Overpayments determined to be the result of an Intentional Program Violation (IPV) by a disqualification appeal or signing the CA Waiver of the Right to an Administrative Disqualification Appeal (OAR5) form.