Eligibility Window Example 4
Carmen (mom) has an FBCP of 11/00 through 10/05. On 09/30/02 CA was stopped. Carmen reapplied on 12/20/03, and CA was approved.
The worker uses the Benefit Cap Grid: Determining the BC Child (FAA-1302A) form or FAA1583A Electronic benefit Cap Determination unity form to assist in determining the eligibility window.
Because CA was stopped for at least 12 consecutive months, the worker establishes an FBCP eligibility window of 07/01/04 through 09/30/04, and documents the case file with this information.
Mom's FBCP
11/01/00 - 10/31/05
CA stopped
CA resumed
Eligibility window
07/01/04 - 09/30/04
CA stopped
Carmen reapplies for CA on 08/01/04 and CA is resumed.
Carmen's budgetary unit includes her daughter, Theresa, born on 07/15/04. Theresa is BC exempt because her date of birth falls within the FBCP eligibility window that was previously established.
CA stopped
CA resumed
Theresa's Date of Birth