FAA5.A Work Registration (WORW) : 03 Jobs Basic : F Changes in Jobs Participation Status
Changes in Jobs Participation Status
Changes in a participant's situation may result in a need to change the participant's Jobs participation status.
Report changes in participants' Jobs status to Jobs by keying changes on WORW.
When there is a change in a participant's mandatory or exempt status, determine whether the change is a result of the participant's participation in a Jobs component. Complete the following:
When it is, do not change the coding on WORW
When it is not, do both of the following:
Key the new code in the PAR/EXEM field on WORW.
Send the Jobs Program Status Change (A044) notice to advise the PI and the participant of the change in Jobs status and of any required action.
The Jobs worker may become aware of a change that may affect a participant's Jobs status. (See JPPO FAA Requirements)
When the Jobs worker requests a review of the participant's status, complete the following:
Immediately review the participant's status.
Make any necessary changes to the participant's coding in the PAR/EXEM field on WORW.
Send the Jobs Program Status Change (A044) notice to advise the PI and the participant of the change in Jobs status and of any required action.