Conflict of Interest
Information on this page refers to the Nutrition Assistance program Information on this page refers to the Cash Assistance program
This section contains information regarding cases where there may be a conflict of interest.
Division of Benefits and Medical Eligibility (DBME) employees, contractors, and volunteers cannot have involvement in a case where there may be a conflict of interest.
FAA avoids fraudulent activity by ensuring employees, contractors, and volunteers do not work on cases that may be considered a conflict of interest.
A case is considered a conflict of interest for an employee, contractor, or volunteer when any of the following occurs:
The results of any case involvement may affect their own personal, professional, or financial interest.
Personal involvement indicates there may be favoritism, improper behavior, or fraud.
This conflict could occur when an employee, contractor, or volunteer interacts with a case that belongs to, and is not limited to, any of the following:
Business associate
Co-worker or relative of a co-worker
Significant other
Parent of a common child
Employees, contractors, and volunteers are not allowed to request information from co-workers regarding cases with which they have a conflict of interest unless they are an authorized representative for the participant’s case.
Legal Authorities
last revised12/26/2023