Revision 45 (01-01-17 through 12-31-17) : FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
FAA5 Work Registration and Program Determinations
Changed, replaced “progressive” to “graduated”. (Policy Change Alert 17‑012F Effective 08/09/2017)
Clarified when a participant must be determined for NA Employment and Training registration or participation
FAA5.D05 – Grant Diversion - Overview
Removed The Grant Diversion bullet that it applies to FBCP.(Reference changed from FAA5.F05) (Effective 10/23/2017)
FAA5.E04 – Nutrition Assistance Categorical Eligibility - Overview
Changed CE criteria and added policy for participants coded DF. Added two new special household CE codes. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q04)(Policy Change Alert 17‑001F, effective 03/01/2017)
FAA5.E04A – Basic Categorical Eligibility
Removed policy regarding what the BU must fail for BCE. Added an EXCEPTION regarding resources of DI participants. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q04A)(Policy Change Alert 17‑001F, effective 03/01/2017)
FAA5.E04B – Expanded Categorical Eligibility
Changed ECE criteria and added policy for participants coded DF. Added an EXCEPTION regarding resources of DI participants. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q04B)(Policy Change Alert 17‑001F, effective 03/01/2017)
FAA5.E05B – Assigning Nutrition Assistance Approval Periods
Adjusted policy to match current AZTECS programming. Removed free form alerts until programmed ACTS alerts are added.(Reference changed from FAA5.Q05B)
FAA5.E06C – TBA Changes
Added changes that are made for TBA cases and clarified policy. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q06B)(Policy Change Alert 17‑005F, effective benefit month 07/2017)
FAA5.E06D – TBA Closures
Added changes that are made for TBA cases and clarified policy. (Reference changed from FAA5.Q06D) (Policy Change Alert 17‑005F, effective benefit month 07/2017)
Added F200 directions exception and warning boxes. (Reference changed from FAA5.V05E) (Policy Change Alert 17‑024F, effective 12/04/2017)
Revised for clarity. Added denial notice directions and a new exception box. (Reference changed from FAA5.V05F) (Policy Change Alert 17‑024F, effective 12/04/2017)
FAA5.I04 - Items to Complete - Overview
Removed reference to AFIP. (Reference changed from FAA5.Y04)(Effective 08/09/2017)
FAA5.I04A - Signing the Application
Changed voice signature to telephonic signature; Added summary and identity verification when completing a telephonic signature. Also, clarified that a memorandum of understanding, when needed, must include that the telephonic signature be readily available to FAA. (Reference changed from FAA5.Y04A) (Effective 11/08/2017)